Carolina Girls Best in the World - Roll Call

"Carolina Girls... Best in the world! Sweet Carolina Girls."
Hi Y'all, It has been a real delight to meet so many Carolina Girls, Carolina Mamas, etc. :) I'd love to have a BlogRoll of the Carolina Girls/Mamas. :) So I wanted to ask you to leave me a comment and let me know - South Carolina? North Carolina? Both. are you a native?

Maybe longing for your Carolina home? Or as James Taylor would say, "In my mind I'm gone to Carolina. Can't you just see the Sunshine." Join the Rollcall. This will be fun. And I look forward to it.

Also, I have never asked before - everyone else will you let me know who you are. We all have blogs we read and visit and do not have time to comment. Today I would love to know where my readers are from. Just leave me a comment. And if you have been reading annonymously - I would love you to step up and introduce yourself. It appears I have a few neighbors/locals really who are reading and that may just merit special treatment. :)

Thanks for your reading and if you want to join the "Tweets" for more details, see you on Twitter: join here. My Twitter is Carolina Mama ;) Come let us know "what you're doing right now."

Look forward to seeing our Carolina Girls and Carolina Mamas Blogroll!

Guess what the Carolina Girls Blogroll is in my left sidebar, click "Show All" at the bottom to see the prestigious list. And go to Things I Love Thursday to see more lovely 'things' and share your own.

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  1. Hey Carolina Mama,

    Laura here!! from central North Carolina! I love your blog. I am new to blogging, VERY NEW!!


  2. hi carolina mama,
    i think you know this already, but it's kerry...from Texas!

  3. I'm originally from the NC Piedmont area, but live in the beautiful mountains now. Carolina girl through and through. :)

    Twitter: kbphotos

  4. What a great idea, I'm and SC native from columbia although i've been gone for far too long. Joined teh Air Force back in 97 and never looked back. But as you ladies know, my heart will always belong to Carolina

    Currently making Carolina girls proud with my website:


  5. No longer, but formerly of Beaufort, SC and Brevard, NC.

  6. Oh yes. I grew up in Boone, NC, then lived and worked in Charlotte. We moved away for 20+ years and now are back in the southern NC mountains (Brevard) and enjoying our retirement.

  7. I have been a Carolina girl for almost three years now. I live in the mountains of western NC and love it!

  8. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months. I think I found you through WeAreTHATFamily. I live in Albuquerque, NM and have never met a Carolina girl I didn't like! I follow you on Twitter too (I'm robinmbnm there.)

  9. Hi Carolina Mama!

    I am from Ohio... born and raised here and often wonder if I will ever live anywhere else!

    I LOVE North Carolina! My grandmother is from Raleigh and my favorite place in the world is Sunset Beach. There really is no place like the South. I would like to think that I am a southern girl at heart:)

  10. Good grief! Could you have fit any more of my favorite things/songs into this post! My girl and I have t's just like that (except w/ the SC Palmetto tree... and mine's pink!) I think I just answered your question, but just in case...
    I'm Susanne from Florence, SC.
    This is a great idea!

  11. Hey!!

    I'm a South Carolina girl born and raised!

  12. Hey Carolina Mama,
    I am Pam originally from Rockingham, NC but living outside Atlanta for 14 years. Favorite place to be is Ocean Isle and still waiting to find someone in Atlanta that knows what Beach Music is!!!!

  13. Of course NORTH!!!! Got to know who sells that shirt!!!!

    "I think they all should be Carolina girls!!"

  14. SC girl here! I've been lurking around here for a week or 2 and I follow you on Twitter. Great blog!

  15. Hello!
    I'm from Florida my husband from Ohio.
    We are a military family though and have lived in J'ville, North Carolina
    for eight out of ten years of our marraige.
    I think that might make us official honorary Carolinians huh? LOL!
    ~Melissa :)

  16. This is an awesome idea. I always wanted to meet more bloggers from the Carolinas! Thanks for making it happen. I grew up in Kannapolis, but now we live in Chesterfield, SC. I love it here!

  17. Shannon and Friends, Click the Carolina Girl tee shirt and it takes you to the UNC link that sells them. I am not involved just passing on the good stuff. :)

  18. Hello! I'm a proud Carolina girl! I was born and raised in SC, but have been living in DC for almost 5 years now. I miss SC terribly!

  19. Hi's me. :) You know I still stop by although I don't always get to leave a comment. Hugs!

  20. Oh, I wish I was a Carolina girl. Mike and I always say that if we didn't live in TN, NC would be the place to live.
    My family's roots go back to NC and we just love, love, love, the beaches!

  21. I'm a lurker to your blog. You actually found me, when I had another blog. Not sure if you knew I moved. Anywhoo... I'm a transplant from Florida. I live in Western North Carolina, outside of Asheville. ;o)

  22. Hi there,

    I grew up in Fayette-nam and went to UNC-CH. Oh how I LOVE them Tar Heels. All the way to number one in the NCAA this year, ya'll!


  23. I really love your blog! I'll be linking... but first I am running all the young-uns in my house to BED!Oh, and I'm moving back to Alabama so I'm not REALLY a Carolina Girl but I can pretend!

  24. Hey! I have that T-shirt, we are HUGE fans! I am from Boone, NC, up in the mountains! Nice to connect with all you "Carolina Mamas"

  25. Hi Carolina Mama, Love the idea! I'm from the Triangle area and lived there until 2006. Then, I moved to Irmo, SC for 1 year & I've been in Mooresville, NC ever since. In my mind, I'll always be in N. Carolina, but I spend summers in N. Myrtle Beach, so I heart SC too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to add me to your blog roll. Don't know if you know Lynette at Lynette's L.A.M. or Kristen at Something about Nothing, and Jennifer, her link is on my lemonade award is living in Durham. If I forgot something, please let me know!

  26. This is like the roll call at the Miss America Pagent (imagine it with a rolling voice and a southern accent!):

    Hi, I'm Jennifer, and my hometown is the country music capitol of the world - Nashville, Tennessee! :-)

  27. Hey Carolina Mama KD here from Holly Sprinngs NC! That is just immediatley south of Raleigh for those who don't know about this tiny little town! I am not a native but loving every minute of my every day here in the south where the good Lord meant for me to be from the start! I feel right at home! Love your blog and have added you to my following list.

  28. Oh yes - let's get all of these Carolina girls together for one big meet IRL blogging day.

    Shouting out a "hi all" from the Piedmont Triad. :)

  29. Oops - that's the Piedmont Triad, NC - Greensboro, High Point, WS area.

  30. Hi - North Carolina girl born and bred. Hubby is from South Carolina.
    I am from Jacksonville, NC (actually a little town called Swansboro), married a US Marine - traveled the world and we retired back "home." North Carolina was always in my blood and I knew I would be back! Love the saying on the shirt - but do they have it in the NC State version. I am allergic to anything with the Tarheel emblem. Go Wolfpack! LOL

  31. Carolina mama I have been on your blogs all morning! I left you an award on mine!

  32. OK - checking in from Johnston Co NC!! Not a native, but lived in NC for almost 20 years, so that counts, huh?? We have a condo in SC also, so I'm a double whammy, but I'll claim NC first!!
    Glad Tar pointed me in your direction - I'll snag your button and add it to my sidebar - I'm all about the buttons these days!!

  33. Hey Carolina Mama
    tardevil told me about you and I had to come sign up.
    I do want to clarify I am a native NC but I'm NCSU all the way.
    Love this idea of linking all Carolina girls!!

  34. Hi Carolina Mama,

    Tardevil told me about you. My name is Beth and I am a NATIVE (believe it or not) of North Carolina. We live in Cary (central NC).

    It is great to meet you!


  35. Hi Carolina Mama, I come by way of Tardevil. She told me that you were composing a list of Carolina Bloggers. What a great idea! I am right off the coast of Southeastern NC! Please add me to your list! It is always a pleasure to meet fellow Carolina girls...there is nothing like them! {not a biased opinion in the least! "smiles"}

    Oh, and I am a native. Have lived all but about 5 years of my life in the same NC county! :) ~Rhonda

  36. Hey Carolina Mama! I'm still around, hanging out in Raleigh, NC for almost 9 years now!!


  37. I'm ALL about being a Carolina Girl/Mama. As a matter of fact, I live in SC and have a son at UNC. Come over and see my blog..

  38. Hello Carolina Mama,
    I'm a day late but thought I'd add my name to the roll...This is Alisa from Carolina Pananche. I live in the Charlotte area. Originally from WV, made it to NC by way of FL (married a Florida Cracker! LOL). A job transfer brought us to NC - Love it! Wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world! Seriously!

  39. Hey Carolina Mama! I'm a North and South Carolina girl. Myrtle Beach, Raleigh and back to Myrtle!! Plus a stint in the frozen tundra of Massachusetts. BRRRRRRR. So glad to be back in the sunny, WARM south! Please add me to your blog roll!

  40. Hey Carolina Mama!! What a great idea! I'm from Mt. Holly, NC...just about 20 minutes south of Charlotte! Was born in Rockingham and moved around a few times but never out of North Carolina! Couldn't imagine living anywhere else! Beaches on one end and mountains on the other! Perfect!
    I'd love to hear from any and all of you "Carolina Girls"!! The Best in the World! Yep!

  41. We've lived in Myrtle Beach, SC, for 5 years. I love it! I always knew I was a Southern girl at heart.

    I'm @notdiyheather on Twitter.

  42. How great it is seeing all these Carolina Bloggers
    I'm game to be featured

    Now the word verification is

    That could be hog kickin if the right southern accent gets to it

  43. A shout out from NC...born and bred!! I love calling NC home...but I'm a Blue Devil fan...Dukies all the way! Come visit my Blog!

  44. Hey, it's great to find other Carolina gals! I'm a Charlotte native, living in Wesley Chapel, with an antique/gift shop in Indian Trail. I've lived other places but I always come back home!

  45. I saw the link on another blog and since I'm a true blue Carolina girl and mommy, I thought I should add myself too. Originally from Asheboro, NC but now residing in Clayton, NC. Go Tar Heels!!!!!

  46. What a wonderful array of Sweet Carolina Girls.
    I'm a born and raised Carolina Girl still livin in Columbia, SC.

  47. Just came over from Scooterblu's Whimsy- Rhonda. I'm definitely a Carolina Girl! Born and bred in the Sandhills area, and lived almost 20 years in Raleigh. Now I'm an "exile" in Northern Virginia :) but we still have hopes and dreams of moving back to NC to join the rest of our extended family.
    Nice to meet you! I look forward to reading through your blog soon.

  48. I live in North Carolina. But, I can't be a "Carolina girl" because I am a Duke girl. ;-)

  49. I just happened upon your blog, and I have to say a huge "hello!" to all the other Carolina girls! I grew up outside of Burlington and now live in Rocky Mount. I moved away for about 3 years when I got married, but we couldn't wait to get back!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.