Weight Watchers Girl Interviews Hungry Girl


That's right y'all! This is new news and even though we're setting up our details, I wanted you to know I am so excited that I get to interview the original Hungry Girl! You know how I love her products, advice, recipes and more. Hungry Girl has been such a great compliment to my Weight Watchers membership.

You all know how I love the WW products, snacks and community. I also love the community and information that Hungry Girl shares online and in her latest book. Now, you'll get a chance to see the Video. [passing the smelling salts] Yes, Video. Assuming techy and I get it all going, we'll be making our Video Interview available right here on Carolina Mama.

You get to participate - seriously, what questions are you burning to ask Hungry Girl? Let me hear you - diet, exercise, sugar, splenda, equal, stevia, etc. Recipe creations for healthy eaters? Please leave me a comment with your thoughts and questions.

I'll be sure to share Hungry Girl with you by bringing her your questions! And mine because believe me, it is a journey, a lifestyle and a joy to eat healthy, exercise and live healthfully in our God given bodies. Look forward to hearing from you. Now y'all excuse me, I am on the way to "weigh in" see all my friends. And Celebrate!

Y'all stay tuned an we'll see ya real soon!


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  1. ok i have never been to hungry girl, i have to go check it out.

  2. I will check her out again. Glad to see you still on WW- I have now lost 18 lbs!!!!!


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