Weight Loss and the Hungry Girl Interview!

Hungry Girl

Hey y'all. Today's post is still in cue but this is way exciting so here goes. Check out the button above for Carolina Mama's breaking news. :) Can you tell we're a tad excited!

August 4th I get to interview the Hungry Girl and I'll be sharing the video with you here! Because I am such a Fiber One fan, I can't wait to use this coupon code and check out the new Yogurt with Fiber! Life just got better. So why wait. Get your coupon now...

Click here: Fiber One Yogurt Coupon!

This Weight Watcher Girl is thrilled for this healthy alternative and addition to my usual yogurt. While we're on a roll I'll let you in on this at my WW Meeting this week, I was down 3.6 pounds! That was after a week and a half since my last weigh in before the Wedding. So hey Wedding Cake isn't all bad if you continue to eat Perfect Oatmeal and Fiber One bars like I did even on vacation!

Girls we've got all the resources to live a healthy lifestyle right now. Let me know if you have questions about Fiber One, Hungry Girl, and Weight Watchers. This Hungry Girl Interview, healthy living and eating, WW, that's what I am Hooked On Friday! All my exciting news - what about you? Are you what are you hooked on? Please share. And I look forward to sharing the video, and hearing your thoughts on the new yogurt. Remember to print your coupon!


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  1. I am visiting via Hooked on Houses.
    Please drop by and enter my giveaway.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  2. (Visiting from Julia's)

    I am thinking of joining weight watchers but am having a lot of people tell me that it is not worth it. I am on the fence about it. What can you tell me to help me make a decision?


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.