My Journey 2 Health Six Week Check In

"Health is the thing that makes you feel like now is the
best time of the year."
Franklin Pierce

This has always been a favorite quote of mine. Wellness makes you feel like every day is the best. As Social Media Specialist for Journey 2 Health, I feel privileged to get to experience the program. I've loved focusing on my health and wellness through the Journey 2 Health program. My update after the first six weeks can be summed up succinctly:

"Loving, Learning and Losing!"

Croquet at Jekyll Island Club Jekyll Island, Georgia 

As a writer, I think in simple alliterations, and “loving, learning, and losing”perfectly describes my experience so far!

I. Loving. As a busy mom with so many responsibilities, I am loving focusing on my own personal wellness again! We all know how quickly we can move from wellness to off the chart. Some of my mom friends and I have talked about the tendency to be all or nothing. Moms tend to be "all me time" or "no me time.” I just want to have balance. Candidly, I'll admit, I am eager to serve others and share so the first thing to go is my own wellness.

Journey 2 Health has reminded me to place myself first in matters of wellness. I am loving a healthy balance of making my exercise and eating habits a priority - just like that of my family.

With Journey 2 Health, I love the app and the check-ins! The app allows me to have all of my lessons and workouts right on my iPhone to use any time. I use the check-ins to focus on how my day looked and what good choices I made each day.

II. Learning.  This past six weeks on Journey 2 Health have been so enlightening! I thought I knew a lot about wellness, diet and exercise. Already, I have learned a wealth of valuable health information. It is wonderful to have the daily lessons in my text inbox each morning where I can access them any time. I can watch videos about new exercises and then I can chart how I did with them. It even has a timer in the app so I can conveniently time certain exercises. Love it!

Paddle Boarding with Jamie and David of Turtle Tides of Jekyll Island, Georgia

Love it!

I am learning to remember who I am! Thankfully, I have always been active and athletic. I have always enjoyed a variety of sports and activities. This spirit always encouraged me to try new things, set goals and achieve them. So, just a week ago I was moved by the return to myself I am seeing already. Last week, we were away on family vacation and I got to introduce my husband and sons to a childhood family favorite activity - croquet! I have fond memories playing croquet in our back  yard growing up. My husband and I took on the boys and we all had a blast. The boys won! This made me happy since it meant they loved it!

CarolinaMama and Family Croquet at Jekyll Island Club
Jekyll Island, Georgia

We also went on a family paddle boarding excursion, our first! It was a blast to be out on the water learning something new and fun! Even if the current was sweeping me out to sea, I was feeling so accomplished because I loved working at a new sport! Paddle board vs. me, well, that's a whole other post! We all loved being on the water! We love kayaking as a family so it was awesome to find another love even if it does take some work for us to accomplish.

Journey 2 Health teaches the three pillars of wellness: Eat Well, Move Well and Live Well! I love this summary and how each connects to the other! Knowledge is everything. I am learning to value each of these pillars for a lifetime.

III. Losing.  From the beginning, I love that the focus of Journey 2 Health is not weight - a certain number on the scale! It is fascinating the difference I feel focusing on positive changes with my diet and exercise. I am acknowledging and celebrating my successes and they are not all just weight numbers. After all of these years, I am so excited to learn new exercises and focus on strength and mobility rather than just timing myself at the gym or on the treadmill!

Yes, I do have some lower numbers! Absolutely! I am excited about "losing" numbers.  Though I am not just focusing on numbers, we're Americans, so I'll share! I have lost 1/2 inch each week of my journey! I have lost 1 pound a week so far! I am thoroughly pleased with this progress! Numbers are not my only measure of success. Yet, they do indicate these positive changes that I have learned are helping me lose some pounds, inches and even blood pressure numbers.

Typically, I have low blood pressure and I had noticed these numbers were sporadically getting higher. Isn't that they way it is. At first sporadic and then a regular occurrence. I am thankful these numbers are lower. I can't wait to get them back to my normal numbers.

Thank you all for reading, liking and encouraging my Journey 2 Health! I am thankful to be loving, learning and losing! Truly, this has already been a fabulous experience and I am eager to continue on my Journey 2 Health.

Please let me know if you have questions or a special circumstance and I can get an answer or a Journey 2 Health connection for you to find your own path to wellness for life!

More to come!
Warmly, Carolina Mama

FTC Disclosure: As stated prior, I am a member of the Journey 2 Health staff and I am voluntarily trying out the program as a Journey 2 Health team member. All opinions are my own.

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