Shaklee 180 Weight Loss Update Month Five

Boulder Poolside

My Shaklee 180 journey has been a fabulous experience.  It is hard to believe how quickly this five months have flown by for me.  I have to say I am so thankful for healthy eating and exercise habits that are sticking and have become second nature.  The joy of this Poolside photo is because of my recent Shaklee180 journey along with my exercise and gluten free diet over the last year.  This post is part of my Blogging Agreement with Shaklee180 Blogger Program.  All opinions are my own. 

And then she fell....

Sometimes we have an injury, Compression Socks :)
That's right, on July 13th, I was business as usual at my gym about to take a run on the treadmill when I realized my headphones were in the car.  So I paused between the two sets of stairs, and went back down stairs my usual pace.  Somehow my right foot caught and I was flying down 7-8 stairs for the concrete floor at the Welcome Desk of my gym.  Thankfully, I had a hand skimming the rail and both hands instinctively grabbed the rail bracing my fall. I am grateful that I was not seriously injured or ending up in surgery or worse.

However, my body flipped a bit from my reach for the rail and I landed on my left leg resulting in a Tibia Contusion.  It is rather severe yet that injury is not major according to my Doctor.  It has been a long almost three weeks already.  The doctor immediately ordered me to not run "keep your feet on the ground."  So I kept my CowGirl Boots on the ground at the Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming at the Bull Fights Championship.  Too fun.

Frontier Days, Visit Cheyenne, CowGirl :)

Following doctor's orders, I rested and followed RICE recovery.  The fall was four days before our departure to Colorado for Vacation.  We did have to run through the Atlanta Airport as our Raleigh departure was delayed and we did make our connection.  So there was activity and there were two simple hikes in Colorado and other walking, touring, etc.  Then I had to scale back activity again.  None the less, I watched my diet and had splurges in Colorado like the world-famous Zolo Grill Guacamole!  And our favorite local Italian, Pasta Jay's! (Not gluten Free).  And I watched the amount I ate.  So my diet was taking a break and still watching portions.  It was a wonderful vacation.  And when I got home ten days later.  I approached my scale... and I was pleasantly pleased!

This month, I have lost a total of -2.8 pounds!!  And -1 inch Hips loss!  This is good.  Yeaa. You did read it right.  This is a reminder that over time we will see changes.  Even when I was discouraged and not working out as my usual.  My body was ready and let that inch go!

SO excited through it all this month with my injury and vacation!  This is especially exciting because my overall diet and Shaklee180 program have made the difference even in my not exercising the last half of the month!

Also, I had my Shaklee180 shakes and meal bars the first half of the month.

Then no travel, I ate reasonably and had some meal bars on the go.  So I did not throw caution to the wind.  That is the tip I want to reiterate, everything counts! :)  So every good thing does make a difference.  In the past, I have gotten discouraged and 'thrown caution to the wind.'  It got me no where.  So remember do something, every good thing makes a good difference!  Here we are at the NASCAR JR Ride Along and my new top is too big!  Happy, happy, happy.

JR NASCAR Ride Along with my Sons (my new top is too large!) #shaklee180
Since I was not super active this month, I do not have my usual workout photos so next month's reveal in those clothes will be all the better. Right!  I am sharing shots along the month that I am so proud of for staying my Shaklee180 and workout journey.  Here I am in my usual workout outfit with my husband on one of our Colorado hikes!  Felt so great to be back doing this. I made the very flat front loop this time - about an hour.

Thank you for following along and let me know if you have questions.  I am here to help you as well.  Until next month, that is when I write my final post for Shaklee180 with my Six Month Reveal Photos and numbers.  Thank you for following.  Also, tomorrow you will see my Shaklee180 video for the month. Stay tuned.

Warmly, Carolina Mama

1 comment:

  1. You look great! And so sorry for your fall! Glad you were not seriously injured!



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