Ann D. Romney, God Bless You and The Rest of Us Who "Do Not Work"

This is a Working Mom Blog. :) 

Okay friends, you know I stay out of the debates on this blahhhg.  However, who enjoys waking up to news like today when Ann D. Romney gets blasted as "not working a day in her life" by a liberal with a political agenda, I pick up my pen.  Ann D. Romney raised five boy - hear me now 5 Boys - at home as a Mom!! How does another Mom not get the work involved?  I know the work that raising twin boys requires, I can only imagine five boys. God Bless her. God Bless Ann Romney.

Has our society really come to this.  If the same Moms who claim stay-at-home Moms who raise their children would list all of the Mom tasks that they "out source" each day that Moms like us do each day, there would be no debate.

Maybe Hilary is bothered by a beautiful, intelligent Mom who makes a choice to do something uncommon in a double-income society.

Uncommon, yes, married for 42 years to Mitt Romney.  Uncommon.

It's funny work-out-of-the-home Moms pay a pretty penny for someone else to mother their children full time so they can work at a career and not as a Mom during those hours.  Right.  So why do they claim it is not work.  Go ahead, add the other "things" they pay for that stay-at-home Moms do, and tell me about economics and who's working.

I could care less who does what with their families - sorry, have you ever heard me so opinionated or blunt! - why do Work Out of the Home Moms feel the need to blast stay-at-home Moms. Just saying'!

Seriously, I say I could care less because I have done most of the Mom options already in this 11 years that I have been a stay-at-home Moms, and yes I am a work-at-home Mom, too.

So yes, I know Ann D. Romney has worked more than Hiliary Rosen can ... well, quite simply comprehend and finally, she realized she needed to retract her thoughts.  And let's add in the work of a 42 year long Marriage, well, most of America can't comprehend that commitment and work either.

I chose to stay home, too.   One thing, I would love for Mr. Mitt Romney to realize is that choosing to stay-at-home - it is not always a "Luxury!"  For us, it was a choice and that choice has been a sacrifice. One I would make a million times over and yet, we choose to sacrifice what a good second income could bring to our home.  So no, it is not just a simple luxury to stay home and shop and eat bonbons. :)

We have made economic choices and sacrifices in a two-income world that a one-income family with a stay-at-home-mom or dad :) makes each day.  For us, this is the right choice for right now.  If you have not done this and cannot comprehend it, just don't knock it.  And don't try to justify it by saying we don't 'work at home.  Thank You!

I always feel so thankful "For Such A Time As This" for everyday I can be home raising my boys, homeschooling, living life together as a family because really, none of us know the challenges of the other or of tomorrow.  And I Thank God every day for the road He allowed for me... it has made all the difference.

Here is the Fox News interview of Ann Romney and the updates of President Obama's support of her as well as Michelle Obama. And I was so proud of Ann Romney for speaking up about this. 

And now if you would excuse me, while I get to work.  

Sometimes even stay-at-home Moms find time - because they work so hard and do dream big and seek the best opportunities for their families and themselves - to grow a business at home;  they work self-employed in addition to their -stay-at-home-Momdom.

And they work hard and love both and life is good and they keep their business to themselves and their energy goes into what matters most to them.  This is a Working Mom.  May she live happily ever after. 

I am not going to ask if you stay-at-home, work-outside-the-home or what.  However, feel free to comment, I'd love to hear it. We can take it.  We work like that. :)

Warmly,  Carolina Mama

*Disclosure: I work at home and I chose this road and I love it.  I was not paid to have this opinion. The payment I receive is priceless.  


  1. You go girl!!!! Great writing on Stay-at-home Moms!! I loved every minute of my time at home with my three and I still help out even with my 4 grandsons!!

  2. Girl, you are RIGHT ON!!!!! I think you should forward this blog to Fox news. Seriously! You put it so well, and it does need to be said that it is a sacrifice to be a one-income family in a two-income world. We pinch and pray for every penny in order for me to work for the Lord at home and beside my husband. We often go without things everyone else has because of this - but we wouldn't trade it for the world.

    Please do send this somewhere! People need this honest, well written perspective from you.

    Love you, my friend~

  3. Great post! It is a sacrifice, financially, that we willingly make for our families! Even though we don't have all the best of everything, it's so worth it!

  4. You make a very a good point. It's not fair how cruel the media can be!

  5. Yeah. Like... Le beach club! And don't forget--
    my realtor! Banker. Love ya!


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