Autism Awareness with Autism United

When our Twin Boys were barely two years old, a lot of my neighbors had children who were talking by two.  They had been in all day daycare settings and had begun... well, a lot of things early.  Once we were at the pool and I befriended a young Mom and was hoping to get a potty training idea or two. (Her daughter was a year ahead of my boys.)   When I asked, she said, "the Daycare taught her."  Bummer, there went my 'resource.'  We didn't have the Community we have now on all of our social networks.

So when our boys were not fully talking by two, these same Moms said our boys needed to be tested for hearing issues, Autism and more.  As a young naive Mom, my head was spinning.  I had not a care in the world until these folks began to tell me that since our boys were not essentially ready for Kindergarten at two, we had a problem.  Hearing issues, and what is Autism.

Thankfully for Moms like me, there are resources like Autism United that are a valuable resource for families.

Another blessing, thankfully we did test the Twins and the first "word" one of the boys said was, "I can hear you!" :)  Tears of joy and relief came over me.  They could hear and all was well.

However, Autism isn't always so easy.  Many we know are touched by Autism, like my sweet friend and amazing blogger, Nan at A Mom Blog.   I love that today there are resources for Autism Awareness like this site:

"When it comes to autistic children and adults, many people are led to believe that it is the most complicated ailment to deal with. Here at Autism United, your Autism Awareness community, we are dedicated to bringing you quality information and support so you never feel alone again. Those that deal with autism everyday know all about the importance of  Autism Awareness and how the support behind many autistic resources is astounding."     -AutismUnited

Autism United  is committed to being a valuable resource for families effected by Autism.  There site is full of definitions, explanations, and more.  Here is an example of the definition they share and some of the early symptoms of the disorder:

"Autism is a disorder that is usually first diagnosed in the early years of life. There are several main signs and symptoms of Autism that involve communication, social interactions and repetitive behaviors.
Studies have shown several different signs and symptoms with autistic children that tend to be the first signs of autism. These signs and symptoms include some of the following:
  • Problems speaking with others
  • Difficulty making eye contact during conversation
  • Lining up of items before focusing on other tasks
  • Repetitive use of sentences to calm themselves down
  • Extensive body movement to express moods
  • In some instances, inability to talk"

Getting the information you need is vital.  Check out the Autism United Facebook Page for a Community where you can connect and share resources and successes. 

The Autism United site offers a Autism Store with various Coupons and Codes like this one fromL TOMS, TOMS Shoes, TOMS offers a Coupon Code in support of Autism.

Remember:  Knowledge is power, and it can help you cope with your child’s symptoms.

Has Autism effected your life in some way?

Warmly,  Carolina Mama

*Disclosure: This is a sponsored post regarding Autism Awareness.  Story above and opinions are all my own.

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