Pinterest - Join the Creative Social Network

Pinterest has everyone's Interest! :)  Clever right?!  Well, Pinterest is way clever and creative and you gotta do it.  I'm an early adaptor so I jumped in on Pinterest way back.  And folks are still asking about it and joining it.  So here's my Pinterest 101. 

From the beginning, I fell in love.  You can see why.....  Take a look.

So Pinterest is Beautiful, Relaxing, and Creative.  And FREE. :) I laugh yet it is 
fabulous to shop on Pinterest for FREE.  Nice perk. 

Just Join.   Then Create a Board. A Pinterest Board organizes your favorite things 
under that topic. 
Then, Follow People.  Invite People.  Share.  Have fun!
That's Pinterest. 

Check out my "Porches" Board. This is way more than Porches. Yet, I love this look. 
And the Porches, Verandas, etc. 

See here is my Christmas Board. 

Here are my Mom Fashion Favorites on my "Thursday Things I Love!" Board. 

And I HAVE to do this for the Tigers. Look at this Cute Party idea. 
So I "Liked" this.  On Pinterest, a Like is a way to say you 'like' it and 
you are saving it to your favorites, too.  

This is my love it, do it later, board. :) 

Now, every day, Pinterest comes to me in two ways: 1)  Jane or John (yes, the Guys too!) Doe followed all of your Pinterest boards!  It's that cool. and 2)  Someone asking What's all the talk about Pinterst?  Who is it? :)  lol

Just join the party.  Pinterest is a great way to share and relax and enjoy all in one pretty way.  So will I see you on Pinterest soon?  Let's follow some Boards. And Create some Boards.

Oh, and PS, some say Pinterest is addicting.  Be warned, you may lose track of time.  In a good way, of course.  All things beautiful. :)

Warmly,  Carolina Mama


  1. I have requested an invite to Pinterest so many times it's not funny! I NEVER get a reply back! So how do you join??

  2. I also have requested an invite to Pinterest but have never heard back from them. How do u get an invite??? Please let me know.


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