Penn State Fires Paterno and Spanier - As It Should Be

Rape is rape.  And Penn State had eye witnesses (yes, plural) to Sick Sandusky raping young boys as young as 8 years old. And they NEVER took it off campus to the police.  In 1998, Sandusky even admitted it to one of the Moms of the boys and said he (Sandusky himself) wished he were dead.  And the university ignored that taped confession....  sick on top of sick.


Penn State Board of Trustees did the decent thing and FIRED Coach Paterno and President Spanier tonight.  Thank you.

The AP has more.  Beware if you read the Grand Jury Report, it tells you ALL the details.  This is rape, this is sodomy and this is Penn State Football.  As it was said, Paterno and Spanier chose Football over innocent Children.

Mike McQueary did the right thing to report the horrific sodomy he witnessed of Sandusky sodomizing an 8 year old boy.... however, how on earth could Mike work for these people knowing they didn't even investigate enough to get the name of the child.... much less report the rapist.  Mike caved into getting hired as an Assistant Coach.

As a NewYork Times commentor said, "God Bless the Penn State Board of Trustees. They have a conscience."

Just one question before we go, how on earth was Sandusky allowed to have young boys over to his house for sleep overs?  ... Michael Jackson... just saying.  How was he allowed to hold hands with the boys walking out of the Sports complex on campus after showering with these boys and NO ONE did a thing...?  As of this posting, another Victim, Victim #9 has stepped forward to testify against Sickdusky. One that he met through the Second Mile program to help "at risk" children.

Warmly, Carolina Mama

*Bare with me writing about such an awful topic. I am sick of hearing this called a mere "sex scandal" they need to call it what it is.  And yes, I am a mother of young boys. We are praying for these families.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this whole thing makes me sick but I think more will come out. More sickness.


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