Rayovac Back-to-School Savings

August! Seriously! We're already planning and working on Back-to-School. It's here y'all.

We're all looking for the best Back-to-School Savings on our children's school supplies! With Twins, my mother taught me well, she bought for five children in advance and made it a regular routine, year round shopping the sales works well. So in Summertime, put on your lazer focus and get to it.

My favorite Back-to-School Shopping Tip: Stock up a little here and there on School Supplies during the Summer. Then as the first day of school approaches, you have a good start on the basics. This saves you from buying everything on the list, for each child, in one day.

This will work because have you noticed, certain supplies go on sale around each school calendar year. So when the North Carolina year-round school kids got ready to begin their first day, the sales were flying and I began to stock up for our children.

Remember the Batteries! Rayovac keeps you Powered Up to BTS with Battery Sales! Check out this awesome Coupon! So, yes, you can stock up on the batteries you need for all the alarm clocks, calculators, flashlights and other popular school necessities.

Rayovac is here to kick-start the BTS savings, Rayovac is offering a $1 off alkaline batteries coupon on Facebook

So remember to shop smart this season. With minimal effort and awareness, you can save a bundle and be prepared for Back-to-School. Want to be super prepared: Buy extra for the Back-Pack Buddies Program or for Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes program. Then you can even benefit others with your savvy shopping.

What are your favorite Back-to-School Tips to share?! Let's share!

Warmly,Carolina Mama

* I am a Rayovac Power Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Batteries, Thank you for the reminder! There is always someone in our household who is wanting a battery for something. School starts back next week for us, so we will be shopping this weekend and I just added batteries to my list. :)


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