Abercrombie and Fitch Admits to Controversial SwimSuits

Abercrombie & Fitch Swim Suit Controversy gets little change as the company says they have addressed the issue.....

So I didn't write about my own outrage at A&F's indecent bikini's with push up bras marketed at 7 year olds.  That's right 7 year olds.  That's so wrong.  Do we have to explain it?

Fellow social media mom and friend, Danielle Smith of Extraordinary Mommy spoke out!  Thank you Danielle:

Thankfully, many of us spoke back and let them know this is not okay.  Now, they weakly attempt to back peddle.

Abercrombie changes the age of the "Push Up Bra Swimsuit"   They must not have gotten the outrage is about underage children....

They changed the age to 12....  What is appropriate to you?!  Does your 7 year old child wear a push up bra for a swim suit?  Or a 12 year old.

Warmly,   Carolina Mama


  1. Wow, this is crazy. My twins are seven. But the ones buying this would be the parents, so if it sold it would be the parents fault not the company. Unfortunately, the 12 year olds are wearing padded suits and this won't even hurt A &F's sales because so many teens buy their clothes there. I am glad that they removed it from the children's web page.

  2. Honestly I don't even like to see young girls with bikinis anyway, let alone padded! Aside from the whole sexuality issue I just think it's too much skin exposed to the sun even with sunscreen. My seven year old daughter loves to wear board shorts and a rash guard so she doesn't have worry about her booty showing haha or anything and is protected better from the sun.


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