Fit Friday Fun! Running Shoes

Happy Fit Friday! We're talking about Running and Fit Finds! Take a look.

What are your Fit Finds? Favorite Fit Snacks? Shoes? Or do you have questions? I'm happy to help in any way. Have a great and active week!

Warmly, Carolina Mama


  1. I should be running, but I'm not. I'm interested in Reebok's new shoes. Have you heard anything about those?

  2. favorite snack - tortilla chips and salsa and or guacamole
    new shoes - ryka revive 2

  3. Ok... so this post has me needed a new pair of shoes. My tennis shoes are 3 years old. That's just crazy.

  4. Love the video! You are doing great with vids, very informational for sure!

  5. Hello, gorgeous! I found you!


    Janna Hicks


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