Samsung a Night of Wonder @ BlogHer 2010 With High Capacity Mom Bloggers

Samsung a Night of Wonder @ BlogHer 2010
New York City

It was my delight to be invited to join Samsung USA for the Samsung Experience NYC while at BlogHer 2010! The entire team is the most gracious and hospitable group you would want to associate with any time!

It was so wonderful to be invited to the Samsung Night of Wonder while in NYC for BlogHer! What a privilege to get to know this first class company.

Believe me, Samsung gets Moms.
Samsung USA Believes in High Capacity Mom Bloggers! 
In fact, it was love at first glance when I saw the first slide on the enormous Samsung flat screen television - "High Capacity Mom Bloggers!" My heart melted.

From that point forward I felt like I was talking with an old friend. Really they had me from the minute they sent Georgio to pick us up in our own "President's Mobile!"

Believe me for this High Capacity Mom :) we were spoiled just riding around NYC with our heels up! When we arrived, we looked like this:

The Samsung Refrigerators

They have the best Samsung Refrigerator - Flex Drawer!  And I am dreaming about it still! 

The Flex Drawer Refrigerator is revolutionary for families who, like us, are all about healthy living, home-cooking and spending time in the kitchen! As a homeschooling family, one of the surprises to me was the number of times I am in the kitchen fixing meals, snacks, and drinks. The more you/we are home, the more time we spend in the kitchen.

The Flex EZ-Open Handle Samsung Refrigerator is awesome for people like me who freeze most of their produce and condiments and have a freezer full of half-frozen or soupy ice cream. Samsung has the answers for me in this refrigerator and its features. You could virtually live in the refrigerator - after all the controls are all left up to you!
Check it out:

The EZ-Open Handle™ and the convenient counter-level height make it the most kid-friendly spot. An adjustable drawer divider offers up to four flexible-size compartments for the ultimate in organization. With four different temperature settings, you can store cold cuts, all your kids’ snacks or hors d’oeuvres for any occasion. Samsung refrigerators conserve your energy and your cash.


We also saw the very large flat screen TV and it represents.  It seriously looks thinner than an 
iPad!  How exciting is that! 

You can follow Samsung USA on Facebook for all their latest as well.

Also on Twitter:  Samsung Tweets 

We all had a grand time tweeting up our event and enjoying learning and sharing with this dynamic 

Then we had the most elegant, relaxing and enjoyable dinner at Per Se, a French Restaurant, where the food delighted and we were able to dine and visit and enjoy the Samsung Team and Friends.

Again, Thank you Samsung for a Night to Remember! It was my privilege.  

Are you a Samsung enthusiast? What's your favorite Samsung appliance? Just so you know, Samsung is very much interested in what you! If you have questions, let me know? Let them know. They are engaging and sharing the conversation. No wonder they are making a beautiful difference in homes across the globe!

*This story is voluntary and my own information and knowledge of Samsung. I fell in love with the Company, its philosophy and the Flex Refrigerator while I was in NYC. This is the beginning of a beautiful thing.

Carolina Mama


  1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I am a new follower! I love the layout of your blog, and your family is gorgeous!

  2. Looks like so much fun and you look lovely!

  3. Your outfit looks gorgeous and I still love my Samsung phone!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.