Underwriters Laboratories - Summer Pool and Spa Safety for All

Part I of a Underwriters Laboratories "Safety at Home" Series. Giveaway: See end of post.

Real Life Sarah and I @ UL

In the South, we swim a lot. It's hot and there is nothing like a refreshing dip in the swimming pool. Or a competitive wave with the swim team.

Recently, it was a privilege to be invited to Underwriters Laboratories "Pool and Summer Safety at UL's RTP Laboratory!" here in North Carolina. I was honored to be trained to be "Safety Advocate!" by such experts.

Underwriters Laboratories helps families stay summer safe, not sorry.

"While summertime activities make for fond memories, they also send 2.7 million kids to the emergency room every year due to accidents in or around the home."

We were trained in three areas: Pool safety, Grilling safety and Play Set safety.

John Drengenberg, Director, Consumer Safety was here from Chicago. What a joy to meet a man with such a passion for safety and for UL where he has spent his career - 40 years. Remarkable. He is an excellent corporate spokesman for consumer safety. Plus we had a lot of fun along with Real Life Sarah and other media. Who knew safety could be fun!

Seriously, today we will cover Pool Safety.

The number one thing we discussed was about Pool Supervision. We all know we can never be careful enough. We have lifeguards at our pool and still... . Supervision is a must.

"Follow the 10/20 Rule" when you're at the pool. The 10/20 Rule states the supervising adult needs to be able to scan the pool within 10 seconds and reach the water within 20 seconds." Honestly, I had never heard that Rule. And what a world of help it can be.

Always have rescue devices such as UL-Listed life preservers. nearby. We got to see all of the testing that goes on behind the scenes at UL. So when you buy a product with the UL label - you know it is tested against the highest of standards. I'll share a few here.

Keep in mind sizes of Pool Flotation Devices - children grow each year; keep PFDs out of the sunshine. The sun can effect the materials and the effectiveness.

Here is a helpful link to the UL residential Pool and Spa Safety page. You can follow UL on Twitter @SafetyatHome

Giveaway: Enter to Win a UL sponsored $25 Target Gift Card! Two Winners will be chosen.

1) Visit link above and list one Safety help from the list;
2) Twitter this post
3) Join the new Carolina Mama Facebook page
4) List one UL logo item in your home, appliances, electronics, etc.

Good luck!

*This post was sponsored by UL - the opinions are all my own!
This is published at "Works For Me Wednesday!"

Warmly, Carolina Mama


  1. That was so fun to be there with you Malise! And we did learn such valuable information! I love that picture of us!

  2. You girls did look like you had so much fun! Also great to know that you had learned valuable information on safety. Share that with us soon :)

  3. Maricris, I highlighted my favorites: the 10/20 Rule, PFDs and current ones at that. UL tested items so they are safety tested for water, etc. More soon on grilling and fire extinguishers.

  4. What great pictures you posted!! I loved seeing the ones of my littlest munchkin!! It was so nice to meet you, and thank you for the homeschooling encouragement!!!!!

  5. I learned to keep a phone poolside, with emergency numbers programed in.

  6. Our breadmaker machine has a UL listed.

  7. It's amazing how much I didn't realize UL does for all of us. Thank you for enlightning us with this post.

  8. •Always read and follow the chemical's instructions to ensure safe use of chemicals.

  9. liked you on F (Jd drenchek-scavo)

  10. MY new washer machince has it on it :)


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