Friday Fit Finds! "Go The Distance"

Welcome to Friday Fitness Finds! Today's "find" is a tip!

Thanks to my Daddy, I've always run! Have always loved it. Jogger, Runner. Really, I'm more of a jogger. I run at my own pace and enjoy. Today, I wanted to share a tip with those who have been asking me about running.

This is simple and will truly help you enjoy it! And get a great work out.

Also, when I trained for and ran my first Marathon - the Marine Corps Marathon Washington, DC - I used the Jeff Galloway Method. He is an Olympic Runner who Coaches and Trains runners. I used his schedule for the Marathon - Injury Free Running "Marathon!" And it worked!

You can find Jeff Galloway at running seminars, weekends across the country. It was so great to hear him speak the Spring before my Marathon. In fact, he was so inspirational, I signed up for my Marathon a month later and fulfilled a life-long dream of completing a Marathon.

My favorite tip: Go the Distance! I didn't say race the distance or go fast. I said Go. You can do this. Let me know what you think and what is your biggest challenge in running and/or exercise.

Have a great weekend!

Warmly, Carolina Mama


  1. I want to really get into running more. I try to change it up now and run/walk everyday during my exercise routines. I get so tired out so easy running and this past week I have been having pain in my shins really bad when I run. I am hoping as time goes on that my body can adjust. I have always just been a walker, so my body is probably like what are you doing?

  2. Yay! Great idea for your Fridays.
    My fitness tip: Any run is a good run. Some are just better than others. Accept that some days when you lace up, it will not be what you hoped for. Just finish and know the next run has the potential to be your personal best.
    Looking forward to your interview on

  3. My challenge is just getting started. I can only run/jog about 2 minutes at a time right now and I get so tired, and I get the shin pains too.


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