Starbucks Free Coffee Day - April 15th

Thank you Starbucks!

Some companies like Starbucks give back! And today Starbucks is showing us all have to give back to our planet too. Today is "The Big Picture - Make A Difference Day!"

Join the movement. On April 15th, bring a reusable travel mug into your local Starbucks and get a free brewed coffee.

One person can save trees, together we can save forests.

For the good of the planet, Starbucks is encouraging everyone to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. One day in March thousands of New Yorkers made the switch. Join them now by taking a pledge to do the same.

This global movement is taking place in locations around the world including East China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, UK, Ireland, Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico.

Offer varies by country, ask your barista for details.

These facts and figures were taken from the Environmental Defense Fund, Water Council Systems, and the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

Who's going?!


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1 comment:

  1. But there are a few other aspects to this handing out of "Free Coffee" that are worth pondering over. Check out my posts on this at:

    Let me know your thoughts!


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