Steve Jobs Reveals the Gorgeous iPad Tablet

Technology is a beautiful thing... enter Steve Jobs and the Apple iPad - the latest tablet:

Apple iPad

SAN FRANCISCO – Apple Inc. will sell the newly unveiled tablet-style iPad starting at $499, a price tag far below the $1,000 that some analysts were expecting.
The iPad, which is larger in size but similar in design to Apple's popular iPhone, was billed by CEO Steve Jobs on Wednesday as "so much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a smart phone."
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Pardon me Apple, it looks like a 'large print' version of my iPhone! Seriously, isn't it cute! I wonder what kind of InCase (my case of choice for all things Apple) is needed for this tablet.

Apple beauty and function all in one... Speaking from experience, Apple does everything really well. So I personally can't wait to check it out. any questions? :)


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  1. I am so excited about this too! We better get on a waiting list -haha...I have a feeling this thing is going to take off!!

  2. I feel so guilty that I'm already gearing up to abandon my Kindle. And I love my Kindle.

    Check out a little something I left ya.

    Hope ya like.

  3. In Case? Try Otter Box. The BEST iPhone case around. And it has a lifetime warranty. Hubs is on his third one. You can drop it and it is like Nerf Armor for the DS Lite.

    Miss your old stuff about your kids and such. I get these things through e-mail from Apple. Tell us about the boys and homeschooling.

  4. Thanks Shannon! Thanks for the case tip! Love it. And more on the boys for sure. You know how much of a Mac Girl I am. Can't help it! :)


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