Miss Right Girl

Like most Moms, when I get to the end of my day, there are little glimmers of the day that stand out. Sometimes it is the most endearing thing one of my boys has said during the day. Sometimes it is just the joy I feel watching them fast asleep after another active, healthy and happy day.

Tonight, these words stand out, "Miss Right Girl!"

It was today, once again, I learned my most valuable lesson from a small child - my eight year old son. Life gets busy and as a homeschool mama you can imagine all manner of busy when we're doing life together 24/7. It is a privilege and blessing I treasure.

It's also one I feel unworthy to fulfill. Earlier in the afternoon today, the boys and I were running an errand and at the check out the young cashier could not ... run the register. The machine I was using kept saying 'waiting on cashier' 'waiting on cashier' etc.

So we waited on the cashier. And apparently I did not wait on the cashier very graciously.

Once the owner came over to push the button, one button, to complete the transaction, we were on our way. And I had made a point to thank so-and-so who had made the progress.

Going to the car, the boys made me accountable. That's right my little fellows asked me about my impatience. They even used the word 'embarassed.' Right there.


Apparently, I had my own justification and one of the boys looked me square in the mirror and said, "Mommy, you are busy trying to be 'Miss Right Girl!"

Yes? Me! Stunning. I was so convicted right there. "Trying . to . be . "Miss . Right . Girl!" How often is that so true! Getting so busy that I want to just appear as Miss Right Girl. I was humbled and rightfully so.

Does God want my heart to always just want to be right - Miss Right Girl - or am I humbled and sincere in seeking to actually do what is right even if it is dealing with a cashier who is not so stellar.

The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.
William James


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  1. From the mouths of babes. Thanks for the gentle reminder for us all.

  2. Don't you just love it when your kids correct you?

  3. Great post! I enjoy these posts from your heart about your life. :-) I can totally relate to trying to be "Miss Right Girl!" Sounds like you are raising some wise little men.

    Love you... Jen

  4. Fabu;ous post! Oh I've been there too when my children call me on the spot! Can't fool them! They know!

  5. Wow, great intuition from the boys. Love the quote at the end. Going to write that down.

  6. Children have a gift of humbling us...often. I'm thankful!

  7. As the bible says... Out of the mouth of babes! My girls stop me in my tracks a lot. We can actually learn from them. I often have to take a step back at times when I see life through my 6 year old's eyes. Children keep us grounded for sure. You have two amazing little boys!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.