Look What I'm Loving...

If you haven't noticed life is a little full-on here at Carolina Mama. The Mom Bloggers Conference was amazing. The joke at the conference, and on the internet because apparently it is a real thing, is that bloggers go to a Conference and a certain percentage go home and - heaven forbid - close their blogs!

In a small way, I feel like my "life" distractions coming right after the Conference make me laugh with other blog moms - Go to Mom blogging conference, come home and don't write! :) Not exactly but it is funny.

Quickly, I wanted to share a little bloggy "Pick Me Up" ... I'm Loving...

The Pioneer Woman also shares greatly about Homeschooling! Am I the only who wonders how it got to be October already! It's been an awesome Fall. On the homeschool front, I could not be more excited and encouraged by this article I read over at Rea's - The Pioneer Woman.

It's worth repeating that Rea has so many great topics that she covers well. Time doesn't allow me to read as often as I'd like but I always find the most helpful and supportive content to moms and homeschool moms.

Now, we're bustling around getting ready for "Disney on Ice! Celebrations!"

What are you loving today? Have a great day!


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Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.