Homeschool Sports Solution

Recreation and sports are a big deal in our home. Mountain Man and I love sports. No surprise, the Tigers do as well. This Summer you saw us go through some fun camps - tennis, basketball, soccer. We're always including swimming. I love to run, Mountain Man loves volleyball... I would love to surprise him with one of these Volleyball Trophies the next time he plays with his Volleyball League.

As a homeschool mama, I want the boys to feel accomplishment even though they are not in the big school setting. They work hard. They try, they try harder. They succeed and sometimes they try again. We instilling character here. And a love of athletics and exercising that will last a lifetime.

And a fun things like these Soccer Trophies will be perfect the next time the TIgers are in Soccer Camp or League. This Summer was special with their cousin here from New Orleans. My sister and I got them all set. She bought adorable Soccer uniforms representing Germany, Spain and Brazil! Talk about the talk of the team. Our three! Then Carolina Mama had a professional photo shoot with the three cuzzies in their uniforms! Memories for a lifetime for sure.

Hopefully, I will not need these Wrestling Trophies any time soon for my eight year old Tigers. :) However, I could reward with one daily with all of the boys power here. :) Aren't these all the best. And the prices make me want to make them a weekly reward!

What sports do your children like? If you homeschool, how do you "do" sports? and reward for them?! I love learning more on this topic! It's one we'll be perfecting for ... well, a lifetime! That's my Tip for Homeschool Solutions today! This "Works For Me Wednesday!" and every day. What about you? To get more Tips. Visit the WFMW link above and Enjoy!


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  1. My son always wanted a trophy, but he doesn't like sports. So one day I decided to give him something to work on to earn one. At one point he had a problem with his attitude, so I told him if he could work on that and have a good attitude for 4 months, I would get him a trophy. So, now he has a star trophy and I have a child with a better attitude!

  2. We have not been a part of organized sports yet...but I know it's coming!! We do a lot of bike riding and hiking! It's a great way for the whole family to be involved!


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