Billy Graham and The Cove

Last year, I was blessed to be here...

The Cove - Billy Graham

and hear this amazing speaker Raleigh's Fayeson Tilley.

We dined on French Chef specialties here and enjoyed awesome fellowship...

Our last session was in this amazing Chapel, in the still and quiet...

God met me here in this secret place. Just us.

Today, I was blessed to be with these same ladies again! We heard from heaven through this special lady, North Carolina's Gwen Brodd who has raised her own 'brood' of boys for Christ - four to be exact. A 30 year marriage, four Christian boys in college and Joy in her heart! My cup overflows! Have a great weekend!

p.s. Today, a strange thing occurred, Carolina Mama didn't take her camera.... The memories are priceless.


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  1. The Cove seems to be on it's own planet, doesn't it? At least that's how I felt. I got to see Rebecca St James there, many years ago. It was a beautiful night.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Such a beautiful place. Our church had a marriage retreat there in February! It was awesome. You without a camera is amazing!! Hope you had fun!

  3. What wonderful memories! I remember singing in that chapel for a dear friends wedding and sweet Ruth Graham was there.

    So nice to meet you by the way! I found you while browsing on Twitter.

  4. Gorgeous pictures! I love that chapel! Glad you had a good time!


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