Focus On The Family Fun

Dr. James Dobson Olympic Torch Bearer

Today I received our Focus on the Family Magazine and thought I would share how much we love Focus on the Family! It is one awesome and growing ministry. Above you'll see Dr. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family as he was a torch bearer for the Olympics 2002.

Check out their website here. You'll see all of the different Ministry options they have. We just ordered the Tigers the children's magazine, Junior ClubHouse and ClubHouse. These are awesome and wholesome children's magainzes chock full of fun.

And here's a mini photo of the Dobsons and their grandson, Lincoln. Isn't it cute!

Our boys love Adventures in Odessey at Whit's End! And I just noticed their theme on the homepage this evening, Helping Families Thrive!

They have a ministry for all age children and just for posterity here's their phone number. Yes, I called this number once as a young mother of Twin Sons. They were so great and sent me a great book for parents. Now, that's a story for another day.

Need family help? Call (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459)

Have a blessed Sunday!


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  1. Oh my, what a great way to start off Sunday morning! I was just enjoying the peace and quiet before I get everyone up for early service, and almost shouted with glee when I saw my name below. What do I need to do now?
    P.S. Hope your Sunday is great!

  2. Focus on the family is the best ministry. I love that they stand for truth in Christ and defending the family!!

  3. Oh, I remember when Adventures in Oddesy were a favorite of my kids! We had almost all of the CD sets - still have them. I may get them out for a long car ride sometime soon. James and I always enjoyed them, too!

    Love and thank God for Focus on the Family and for Dr. and Mrs. Dobson!!!

    Love to you this Monday... Jennifer


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