Enjoy Tax Free Weekend! (and some Free Shipping)

We're all getting ready and yes, it is time for school soon! Just wanted to remind everyone it's Tax Free Weekend! Check out the list here: Tax Free Weekend!

That's a huge way to save of essentials for the year. And companies like Lands' End are offering free shipping if you are on their daily email list. So free shipping and no taxes equals a nice budget!

Companies like Designer Plumbing Outlet offer free shipping often check them out for details on items like this:

We're taking advantage because we're Hooked on Fridays of Tax Free! Let me know what you're hooked on and shopping for this weekend!


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  1. Thanks for the tip! Visiting from hooked on fridays...

  2. Preach it CM!!!

    We went to Best Buy today and bought me a new laptop. And, the deals were so good, we bought my mom a new laptop too... and NOOOOOO tax! It was fabulous!

    Woo HOO!


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