Balance and MommyBlogging and Juggling

Here we are Carolina Mama Family at my nephew's Wedding which was story book perfect! Here we were balancing a whole lot of family time on vacation and I tend to love vacation and family time where I am not distracted with - say, real life!

Our Summer has been spectacular. It has also been our busiest. With our Summer still full swing, I have to tell you - I'm juggling. Nothing unusual for Moms or for me, per se. However, the busyness of Summer has me thinking about the balance I strike. More accurately, the balance I strive to strike. It's a juggling act. Regardless of what our days look like, Moms of the twenty -first century are what I refer to as the Renaissance Mom! That's right! Remember the term "Renaissance Man?" They were men like my Daddy who excelled at a lot of things - most things - all in different arenas. They were great in e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g !

Most days I'm amazed at Moms today, it's an exciting time to be a girl. We can and have accomplished anything. And yet only we Moms can do some things. Our generation is faced with this dilemma more than any other. Moms can 'bring home the bacon and cook it up, too!' Yet, only one Mom can be the Mama to their baby! It's an awe striking thought and phrase I tell you. Me the Mama and my Child. Really though, and as I go about my days, being the Wife of Mountain Man, the Mama to my Twin Sons and Daughter, Sister, Friend of many, etc. Wonder Woman! You've read it - I think how am I doing. And on those days when the same twenty-four hours that everyone else gets is just not enough what am I doing about it. Because girls, we all do it, notice everything everyone else is doing. And maybe it's that birthday I just had, but I really do not care to keep up with the Johnsons or try to scale a little higher on that ladder if it means neglecting the one job it get to do only once - invest in my children - my family!

So I am seeking balance in my Spiritual life with daily Bible reading and prayer, my Physical life with my Weight Watchers Girl lifestyle that I love which includes healthy eating and exercise; and Relationally - my family - spending what we call "face time" with everyone each day as much as possible. As a homeschool mom, I do get to engage each child with school and reading and activities. However, this is for everyday school or not. This is life because I want it all to count! With all this in mind, now you see why blogging is going to have to be patient with me. Right! So there may be days when there's a Review of a Great Product and/or a Giveaway for you to Enjoy! And then there may be a little quiet or a Great Post about Life @ Carolina Mama! Or just my usual recipe, picture or story to tell.

Tell me thoughts, what do you my readers and friends prefer as far as my Reviews and Giveaways? Would you like everything here on my Homepage @ Carolina Mama or do you prefer a separate page for my Reviews? Please vote in the Poll above and feel free to comment any thoughts you want to share! Thanks much! Y'all rock! And lastly, please tell me how you balance it all?!


Carolina Mama


  1. Hey Carolina Mama! I keep finding you and reminding myself to take time to check out your posts, and will be adding you to my links on site. I am aflorida artist, but originally from WS, our hearts and family are in Carolina as well.I will have more computer time this yr as both boys will be in school, and I will be working at home. (first time not homeschooling). will be in touch! Nice site!

  2. I love blogs that show someone's real life. So reviews, family pictures, your interests, your heart ... all mixed into YOUR blog. That keeps it real to me.

    Amen to what you said about balance and spending quality face time with our family.


  3. I can't imagine your blog getting any better, but I know we all have that room for improvement. I would have to say I like the way you set it up. I so know what it is to try to be balanced, and I fail terribly a lot of the time.
    So, as really no help to you, keep it simple and gives us all the details you can! Yup, that's kinda having it both ways! LOL!
    Just keep your thoughts, pictures, recipes coming. We enjoy your presence!

  4. I vote for keeping it all together if it works for you!! I love your site and your transparency. Thanks for all you do to encourage others!!

  5. That's a great picture of y'all! I like it with everything together. Truthfully, I don't always have it all together. But, I try, and pray a lot!

  6. Hi friend. I echo your desire to find balance in the midst of these busy days!

    Your family picture is just beautiful! The boys have grown so much since I have "met" you. What a difference a year makes when they are that age.

    Hope you enjoy the remaining days of your summer - soak up every minute of it, my friend... Love to you... Jen


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.