Mother's Helper: Deck of Chores & Giveaway

Deck of Chores

Introducing my latest, Mother's Helper - enter Deck of Chores. These were a real delight to receive.

Believe me, I was so excited to get to participate in the Deck of Chores "Doing chores the fun way!" brand. They really were right on target with that quote. As soon as the Tigers got the package - they were intrigued and on board with the Deck of Chores. Your children have fun with their chores or play games for chores, parents can set out which chores need to be completed or have the entire family pick a card each for their daily chore. These cards are so well made and durable.

The Tigers jumped right in and chose chores and carried their card around while they worked. It was fun to see their excitement. I love that these are easy to use and understand. The chores are simple and yet basic enough to keep your family having fun and organized for all time. Deck of Chores comes with custom sized cards in a sturdy stand up holder that is attractive, fun, easy and great for the whole family.

You can follow Deck of Chores on Twitter @ Twitter/DeckofChores

What a great way to have fun with the entire family and get things done! That's always a winning combination at Carolina Mama! How about you? How do you get things done and get the children involved?

It's looking like "Giveaway Weekend!" around Carolina Mama! That's right, Deck of Chores is giving away a Deck of Chores to one lucky Carolina Mama reader:

Enter by Commenting the one Chore you'd love to see get done first! Contest ends Wednesday, July 22, 2009.

Good luck!


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  1. The laundry! I detest doing the laundry but with 4 kids, it's never ending.=)

  2. Is there a card for unloading the dishwasher? That's the chore I always attempt to pass off on my kiddies first! Don't know why I hate it so much, but I do. I'd rather do laundry all day than unload one measly load of dishes. : )

  3. Well, no children (yet, but trying), but can I please use these on my husband? He is supposed to be the "director of the trash", but sometimes the "co-director" has to send a memo to "the director....know what I mean?



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