"The I Believe Bunny"

The I Believe Bunny

Recently, we had the opportunity to review the I Believe Bunny book by Thomas Nelson Publishers. What a treat! Our boys were pretty mesmerized by the gorgeous illustrations throughout and the story was classic and fresh all at once. Tish Rabe began writing The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library, a new series of non-fiction science books for early readers in 1996. She really delights with this simple story, I Believe Bunny

Children will love the beauty and the simplicity of the story. Well written and as one of the Tigers reminded me, "It's all about praying." That is the message our boys took from this sweet story. "Prayer works!" And I loved the reminder to help others. Children will love the age old lesson written here. Truly Tish Rabe is an author to follow. We're already looking for her next book or two.

We're Hooked on Friday's with Julia and this is our entry because we are hooked on "The I Believe Bunny" and Tish Rabe.


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  1. Awwww....we miss those books for little people all around the house - we'll have to find a little friend to give a copy to!

  2. Thanks for the tip!! Love this publisher!

  3. I love children's books. The illustrations look sweet!


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