Summer Reading: The Principle of the Path by Andy Stanley

The Principle of the Path

A little Summer Reading.

Andy Stanley's "Principle of the Path" - How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be - truly wows! This book has real life practical examples and check lists we can implement to get where we want to be going.

When I read a great book, I usually turn up or down a page that really has a great thought, quote or point. You should see my Principle of the Path, it's pretty 'dog eared!" Really, there are little turned up and down corners everywhere because Andy Stanley fills this book with little Christian principles and nuggets throughout.

"The prudent see danger and take refuge. That is, they do something about it. They act on what they see. Prudent people know that it's what you do that makes the difference, not what you see. If there is going to be change. You've got to do something."

There are real life gems like this throughout. Andy Stanley also adds plenty of his own examples that enhance the book. The Chapters like "The Heart of the Matter" and "A Little Help From Our Friends" are endearing and instructional and encouraging all at once. I also love Stanley's humble approach to this whole topic.

As a bonus, the book has a great Study Guide in the back with great questions, scriptures and truths to use as a small group or individually.

Have you read it? Let me know your thoughts. And what have you been reading lately?


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  1. Sometime back, while I was 'waiting upon the Lord' and whining about a problem I had; I distinctively heard the Lord say, "Nothings going to change until you do something." I think I need to read this book!

  2. Reading.... I hope one day to be able to do that again, lol. We have been doing the libraries local summer reading program, so I have been reading allot of children's books out loud. ;)


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