Summer DAYcation North Carolina

While we were on our LiveBlogging Beach Vacation to Ocean Isle Beach, I received an email that piqued my interest... Kids Love Travel! That's right. Here we were traveling and all. And yes the children and their parents love travel. Yes, I would love to read and review your Family Travel Guide to North Carolina. Was I happy to get home from vacation to this my autographed copy of this:

Kids Love North Carolina

Whether you're a Carolina native or just love North Carolina, Kids Love North Carolina! by Kids Love Travel is an awesome resource for your family.

"A Family Travel Guide to Exploring 'Kid - Tested' Place in North Carolina ... Year Round!" How about that!

Meet the Zavatsky Family:

The Zavatsky family has put the "Day-Cation!" into day-tripping right here in North Carolina. Since Mountain Man, the Tigers and I love to travel our great state, we're are thrilled to learn of all of these opportunities right here at home. Through Kids Love Travel!.

As a homeschool mama, I am happy to resource all of these awesome educational hot spots like North Carolina Transportation Museum

North Carolina Transportation Museum

and discounted information on the BIltmore House. Field Trips here we come. It is also fun to see the places we have been and check those off.

Biltmore House

Now aren't you ready to check out the Kids Love Travel site and get to planning your Day-Cation. They have many states available aside from North Carolina. Try Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia.

Tell me some of your Day-Cation ideas? Where do you get fresh Day-Cation ideas for your state? Have an awesome weekend! And yes, I am adding this idea I am hooked on to "Hooked on Fridays!" What are you hooked on today?


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  1. This sounds like a great book. There are so many amazing places to go and things to see in our great state! When our little girl was younger, we loved getting up early and taking day trips!

    When we lived in Johnston County, we would drive down to the eastern part of the state and spend the day. Now we enjoy taking the day and heading up to the mountains!Enjoy all your day-cations!

  2. My High Point parents could get me to go anywhere if they promised soft ice cream. That mostly stopped when I hit 13.

  3. Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for the blog love (in my comments) and we twin moms have to stick together :). BTW - this looks like a great book an lots of my friends head to NC for vacation. I will def. recommend!

  4. Great places to visit. However, note that the Transportation Museum is HOT, HOT, HOT this time of year. You will die of heat stroke, lol. Go in the fall or early spring. Also don't think I would take kids under the age of 10 to the Biltmore House unless you like to say "Shhhhh", and "don't touch that" 28,000 times. :)

  5. Thanks Shannon! Good information for sure. I was hoping 8 would be okay for Biltmore.... you would know. :)

  6. Shannon, your comment about Biltmore was right - unless you take our advise and request the Scavenger Hunt at the admission desk. It engages the kids (even our 8 yr old boy) to seek clues and find all the objects (some are tricky). They are so busy observing, they don't have time to fuss. I'd also suggest reading "Mystery at Biltmore House" before you go ( The kids can practically re-enact this "soft" mystery!

  7. We all need to be more aware of what is available to us in our own area. You are really doing a good job of promoting North Carolina.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.