Shred, Live-Blogging and I'm Spinning

30 Day Shred

Now that the Biggest Loser Season is over and the rest of the planet is shredding... guess what I am thinking about - Jullian Michaels' 30 Day Shred! Really, this looks great. And I think it would be great to have around the house this Summer instead of my older Tae Bo VHS (smile). Granted, the Tae Bo is a good thing and has worked some wonders here, I am just ready for a little update. And The 30 Day Shred seems perfect.

The only thing, the video sample show these swirls and knees bends.... Anyone doing the Shred? What do you like? What do you loath? Or should I say "What works?"

Juillian has all the credits and who wouldn't want her results. So tell me since I am the last of the mommybloggers to jump on this bandwagon - do you Shred? Do you like and recommend it?

Until then, I am off to my Spin Class which is working for me and I do adore. That and the lovely pink friend Mountain Man and the Tigers got me for Mother's Day! :)

For the late breaking news at Carolina Mama, next week is a very special week so do stay tuned. We're live-blogging at one of North Carolina's Best Beaches and more! Get this, there will be Drawings for Giveaways! While we're hosting the "Best of Carolina' right here! See you soon. It's all exciting.

if you are interested in donating a Giveaway to advertise your own business and be a part of this live-blogging event, by all means email me at Carolinamama1 Thanks for your consideration.

What's going on out there? Tell me your news and please "Shred feedback!" ;)


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  1. I'm shredding but am only on my second day. Let me say this - it works every muscle in your body. I'm excited about it and the second day was already easier than the first.

  2. I am up to level 2. I have problems with my knees so I don't squat down as far on the parts that require that, but it's still quite a workout! (I'm on Day 9.)

  3. Ok... I'm shredding - and on Day 5. I truly thought it would kill me as I was finishing day one. But I'm hanging in there, and hoping for some good results. (Although, the extra exercise is making me hungry, and I'm not dieting along with it... so I've allowed myself freedom to indulge in lots of icecream... which is probably negating every positive thing I'm doing while shredding!) I must get it together... but not until after this weekend. ;-)

  4. I am on day 5 and I love it and think it is worth it! I have not been very disciplined about doing it consistently though. You would think that 20 minutes would be easy and very manageable to fit into my normal routine but I have really struggled with it. Anyway, I hope to get back on track this week because I want results! Everyone who I know is doing it has had great success... go for it!

  5. Thanks for the Shredding reports everyone! You're all so brave and I love the live feedback! :)

  6. I tried it! too hard on my knees though. But it is a great workout. My current "indulgence" is the new EA Sports Active. I swear I sweat more doing that than any other workout I've done. And talk abour feeling it. I am having to brace myself just to sit now. And walking up stairs- Oh My Mercy!!! But it's GREAT!!

  7. I've only done it once, then my schedule went crazy! I liked it, but I also discovered that it is harder to do jumping jacks with a heavy chest and belly vs. being a kid. LOL

    So ... give it a try. I think you'll like it.

  8. I was on day 15 of the shred and I started having problems with my left knee. I did all the stretches and I've never had knee problems before. So, I have let my knee rest for 10 days and it SEEMS well. I'm back to the shred tomorrow, so I'll see. It's actually the hardest 20 minute workout i have ever done! Good luck2

  9. Sounds intriguing. My goal is to lose 5 to ten pounds by the end of June. We have been running/walking a mile every evening. It is sad that I weigh now, what I weighed the day I had my first born.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.