Mother's Day Moments With Carolina Mama

My your Mother's Day be happy and bright and may you enjoy the ones you call you Mama today! :) My mother-in-love sent me this and it was really cute so I'm sharing with my readers and friends.

Happy Mother's Day! May you be refreshed and relish this day with the ones who made you a Mama. :)

The 'new' normal is so much better.

This is too cute and motherhood does keep us on our toes.

Even at this age with the Tigers, I've never said motherhood was boring.

From the moment our sons were born and staying home with them full-time for eight years now, I can tell you there is never a boring moment. Terrifying, exciting and a wild ride - yes indeed! I wouldn't miss a moment and I'm thankful for this gift I treasure in mothering our twin sons and sharing this journey as wife to my Mountain Man.

Happy Mother's Day to you and God Bless!


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  1. Happy Mothers Day to you, my friend! Hope those Tigers hug you tightly today! :-)

  2. Cute sayings! Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you. I received this email also and let me tell you...I am not looking forward to that 4th grade math :-)

  4. This was such a cute post. Happy mother's day to you too!

  5. How precious. This is great.

    Happy late Mother's day,


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