Dinosaurs, Skeletons and Homeschool Boys

Homeschooling is a real blessing to our family in many aspects. This has been an awesome inaugural year for us all. The Tigers have grown in many ways. One of the delights is getting to witness and participate at this level in their learning and growth on a daily basis.

This Spring we did a great project that I wanted to share. You can imagine with twin boys the excitement to them of all things "Dinosaurs!"

Maybe it's Mama who contributed - it was in those infant "Mommy & Me" classes that I would juggle both boys in their car carriers up the stairs to the class where we met. I don't recall an elevator or was a gung-ho and looking for a little extra cardio?!

Nonetheless, I still recall the boys and my favorite song as I would attempt to dance with two babies while my Mommy and Me friends managed one baby with ease - thanks to my teacher Madeline, often we would each dance with a baby and then trade so Twin Mommy could be even. Any Twin Mommy's out there? You hear me. :) There we were "Dino - Dino - saur - i ous! Hippo - Hippo - pot - a -mos !"

At any rate, here we are today homeschooling those infants now eight-year-old boys. And they do love all things Dinosaurs. So I introduced these little Dinosaur Hunter's Kits from Barnes and Nobles and they were a complete hit. This is a great homeschool project for young children. Or even just a fun at-home project for the family. I even loved learning and sharing in this experience.

If you go - know that this kit has everything the children need for this project complete with a journal for them to record their findings.

It was a bit rainy but not so much that we were not able to enjoy our finds. And to boys and Dinosaur artifacts - rain is icing on the cake.

Talk about a perfect hands-on - they got to dig in the mud.... go Mom! And we took it inside when it really rained and got chilly.

They worked hard digging for their treasures. Now, I realize though they have the final project on their desks, I have not documented :) with photo so know, for now, that they turned out really great. They glued together their findings and painted them with a kit that was all part of this kit. We all loved it.

And just for good measure, here are the cuties on a field trip day in their cute little school uniforms and big smiles. They clean up quite nicely.

What are some of your favorite projects? Are you a homeschooler? Where do you find projects for your children? Parent? What are your thoughts?


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  1. This sounds like an awesome project for any boys who homeschool. My son is a little older, but he might even like it. He still loves dinosaurs! We did an archeological dig and he really loved that! This sounds kind of similar.

    Your boys are so handsome! They look like they would be so well-behaved. Mine is far from that, lol!

    I find a lot of things for homeschool by other blogs and searching the internet.

  2. Nancy, the thing I just remembered about this great Barnes & Noble find is that the price was right - about $6 each. :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful project, homeschool or not. Your boys are handsome!

  4. This reminds me of the gem mining places in the NC mountains. We went as a family when the boys were younger. Then, two years ago hubby and I chaperoned a 9th grade field trip to Gatlinburg. There were about 75 of us that rainy day trying to be the first to strike the mother lode - it was great fun! The mom who found the 8 pound emerald won that contest, though!

    I see the Saxon Math link on your sidebar. Do you use it? They are the devil! (just kidding!) This is the last year for my younger son. Good thing. It's just about been the death of me.

    Your boys are adorable!

  5. That looks like fun! can I come over and play, umm I mean learn? LOL

  6. They are too cute!!!! And what a fun and adventurous mom you are, my friend!!!


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