Carolina Girls - the Interview X

Welcome to Carolina Girls - the Interview! This week we are featuring another real life North Carolina friend. It is a treat to be able to introduce another blogging mommy friend. Meet Jennifer!

Jen and I have lots of Carolina favorites in common so I've added lots of internet linky goodness that we all adore. And I can personally vouch for Bandanas in the mountains. Our family fell in love with it last Spring Break in the mountains. And we're both crazy for Ocean Isle Inn so check out all the links below and enjoy. Here's Jen...

Where are you from?

Beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

What is the name of your blog?

One Moms World

How did you name your blog?

I actually was sitting around one day trying to think of a name I would like to begin blogging under, I looked around at my living room with toys all over and said this is my world. Therefore, I thought bingo - One Moms World!

How did you get into blogging?

The date was back in August 2005. I started blogging about my work at home business. I eventually turned it into a mom blog as I was blogging more about my life as a mom. Since this is a diary of sorts for my girls, I plan to turn the posts about them into a book for them to cherish for many years to come.

What do you wish to convey on your blog?

My wish that I try to portray through my blog is that all moms will know we do not have to be perfect. I blog about our "real" day to day lives. We do not live in a mansion with a housekeeper, chef, and nanny. We are real moms trying to make it through this wonderful parenting journey. I have always said motherhood is a roller coaster, but it is one roller coaster that I never want to get off ;).

What is your favorite thing about your blog?

I love the connection that I make with other moms through my blog. This is like my office water cooler. Since I work at home, I do not have co-workers to share stories about my girls. So, my readers are my co-workers so to speak and it is my way of bragging about my girls' latest milestones.

What is your favorite Ben N Jerry's Flavor?

Can't say I have ever had Ben N Jerry's... is that weird? ;)

What is your favorite song/iTune right now?

My favorite song on my iPod right now is Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman.

Starbucks or Mc Donald's?

Starbucks hands down. I have tried McDonald's McCafe and they come nowhere close to the yumminess that I LOVE with Starbucks! Wish we had one here in the mountains :(.

Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts (there is one answer here for Carolina Girls! Just kidding!) ? ;)

I have to say Krispy Kreme most definitely, but my husband would beg to differ with me since he is from Florida ;).

A favorite Carolina food or restaurant?

Our good ole BBQ here in the mountains.

We have two BBQ restaurants:

Bandanas Bar B Que and

Woodlands. I love both places soooo much. Great food!

What is a favorite place in Carolina?

Right here in the mountains. The views that we have from living on the Blue Ridge Parkway are just out of this world. I always want to live here. I just love the hometown feel that we have here as well. We are a small town, but everyone is so friendly and we are eager to get on our feet to help anyone out. Did I mention the awesome views we have too? ;)

Favorite North Carolina Beach or Mountain Locale?

After getting the chance to visit Ocean Isle Beach a couple weeks ago, I cannot wait to go back. I was so impressed by the clean beaches and the perfect color water. The atmosphere was just plain awesome!


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  1. nothing like a fellow mountain mom!!!

  2. Thank you for doing this Carolina Mama :). Its so great to see all the Carolina Mom Bloggers supporting each other. We rock!!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.