Sweet Carolina Girl - Miss USA Kristen Dalton 2009

Sweet Carolina Girl Kristen Dalton was named the Miss USA 2009 Beauty Queen. Home state girl makes good - here's what home has to say.
Miss USA 2009

Everyone is proud of Kristen and her accomplishment and we know she will serve well. After all, look at the gorgeous Carolina Tar Heel Blue Gown choice. You know, it's the big things that matter.

In all seriousness, no one should be eliminated for her conservative opinion. We all know if Miss California had answered with a liberal response to gay marriage, she would not have been voted against. She knows she's beautiful and can hold her head high for having beliefs and standing up for them. That's a beautiful thing.

Really, as we say here in the motherland, who does Perez Hilton think he is. He could stand to grow a few worthwhile convictions himself.

Nonetheless, back to the fanfare, and a huge Congratulations to the very talented Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton!

Any thoughts you'd like to share on this kind of judging?


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  1. Good Morning Carolina Mama! I think you are absolutely right - Perez Hilton definitely should have a few convictions of his own. And if he didn't want her to answer the question honestly, then he shouldn't have asked the stupid question.


  2. Sure I'll comment! As a liberal, this kind of thing makes me angry. It's a free country, and everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Her beliefs should play no part in how well she did. (In fact, she did state her opinion gracefully, which is rare to find.)

    I have many, many conservative friends who do not agree with me, and yet I care deeply about that and wouldn't trade their friendship for the world. We need to STOP this "we can't get along" dialog and start looking at our common ground instead. Stop making a fuss every where, every time someone does not agree with YOU.

    OK, my 2 cents. I won't get into my opinions on beauty pagents, lol...
    mom blog

  3. Yes I have an opinion. Of course, I am a NC girl and THRILLED that we won, however, I was incredibly PROUD of Miss CA for her very frank and honest opinion regarding gay marriages. The title of Miss America will be over in one year, her morals will last forever. You go Miss CA!

  4. I don't watch the pageants myself, but I was extremely proud of Miss NC. She is from here ya know! Go Concord!!!!

  5. Congrats to the new Miss USA and great job Miss CA for standing up for what you believe! You WILL be rewarded!

  6. Oh, and by the way, my daughter-in-law is having a giveaway today!:

  7. I completely agree with you. Perez shouldn't ask a question without expecting an honest answer. I feel that so many people in politics and hollywood water down their opinions in favor of being politically correct. If more people had the guts, like that Miss USA contestant, to stand in their convictions; our country and economy would be in a much different place!

    PS Cute blog, thanks for stopping by mine!

  8. Yay for Carolina girl! Boo for Perez! He shouldn't ask the question if he can't handle the answer.

    That's all I'll say about that.

  9. I totally agree with what the other readers shared. While I didn't watch the pagent, I did watch the clip on the news. Congratulations to Miss CA for honestly stating her beliefs in a dignified manner. I think Perez Hilton could take a few pointers from her after watching his interview this morning.

    North Carolina is having a great year : )

  10. I was pulling for her. She is a beautiful girl and that gown was gorgeous.

  11. Oh, and I did blog on the Miss Cali situation. I got a couple of rants from one "Anonymous" person just because I said it was a good thing that she stood by her beliefs.

  12. Y'all I totally agree and wanted to make it clear - I like what you said If Perez didn't want her own answer then he shouldn't ask.

    And would you all not agree, if the reverse had happened that would be called discrimination. It's the world we live in for sure.

    I happen to believe the Bible told us so. Blessings all and esp. Miss California. And of course, Miss USA.

  13. I finally saw the clip of Miss CA's question and answer. And I agree with many here that she was right to speak her own convictions, and sure it cost her the crown but she's got another crown that is worth more!

    Congrats to the Carolina gal.

  14. I couldn't agree with you more. Of course I am a Carolina Girl and was happy that our hometown girl won but...

    It just doesn't excuse what Perez Hilton did :(. I did feel really bad for Miss California because she was just telling how she felt and she gets back lashed. Just sad all way around.

  15. She should not have been judged on her OPINION and let's face it...it could have gone either way. Contestants should be judged on the intelligence and poise with which they answer. At least that's what I think.


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