Famous Homeschoolers - North Carolina Wright Brothers

Another set of North Carolina brothers - the Wright Brothers were home schooled. Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Frank Lloyd Wright, C.S. Lewis, Alexander Graham Bell and the list goes on.

These sports super stars are home school children: tennis greats - the Williams sisters, runner Jim Ryun. Football Heisman Trophy Winner - Star Tim Tebow. Too fun.

Happy May everyone! Our Homeschool group just kicked off May with a wonderful time at the Carolina Ballet and their incredible Swan Lake performance. We're spoiled with such a talented group of dancers. It was a great time for everyone.

Okay, it's also "Pray It Friday!" So please leave your prayer requests. Thanks ya'll who've prayed for Mountain Man this week. He is doing really well. Also, keep the Compassion Bloggers in your prayers as they wrap up their mission to India. It's been an incredible journey just from this side much less from there seat.

We'll pray for each request and I know my readers will too. Blessings on your weekend!

Happy May! Tell me how you're kicking off the month of May! :) This makes my Hooked on Fridays entry. Are you hooked?


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1 comment:

  1. Cool! A lot of those people I didn't even know were homeschooled!


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