Prayer Matters

Our prayers can make things happen... did you hear that. Now, listen to John Piper say it...

Prayer matters. Because I believe in its power and the community praying together brings, and I know when we pray together, He hears us - let's share prayer requests and praises right here.

Nothing is too big or too small. So feel free to share knowing the virtual prayer chain will lift you up.

So as "He beckons us" come together now and let's pray with an expectancy for the great things He will accomplish.

Email me at any time @

Remember to sign-up for the OnlinePosterPrinting Giveaway: here.

Yes, I am Hooked On Friday with John Piper. What are you hooked on?! :)

God Bless.


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  1. My prayer matter today concerns Joy at Ponderings.
    Many are already aware of the trial she is going through with her dad. I posted a noon time prayer sign up regarding this.

  2. Melanie, Thanks for sharing. Will be happy to join you.

  3. I am visiting via H.O.H. Great post! I'm praying.

    I hope you'll stop by for a visit, I am hosting a giveaway.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.