Pray It Friday - Join Us!

"Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God."
Billy Graham

Welcome all to "Pray It Friday!" Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for the requests that have been made known. It has been a blessing to hear from each one as we place our home in the power of prayer.

On our little virtual prayer chain, I like to think of the verse "where two or more gathered together in my name. There am I in the midst." Amen! The Bible also states there is strength in numbers when we pray. So gather around and share with one another.

Thank you all for praying for my own request last Friday. I have to say it was encouraging to hear from each of you and know you were praying for me as I processed Angie's homegoing. And to know you were lifting up her family. Thank you.

This week a acquaintance my husband knew at work, a friend by the end, passed away of cancer. He knew he was dying too. This was heavy on Mountain Man's heart and mine this week. God is amazing in that he answered prayers that this man got to complete a trip overseas that he wanted to make before he died. And he also got to sit on the front row of the UNC Tar Heels Basketball game and meet the players just days before his illness ended his struggle to live. Please pray for M's family.

Believe me, I am happy to share any requests you send. Who knew this prayer chain would start with such serious prayer needs. Then again, Don't we so need the power of prayer in our daily lives.

Feel free to email me with any particular need or request. Here is the link-up so you should be set to link it here and at your own blog so that all may read up. Please be at liberty to share with friends who may have a prayer need.

Have an awesome weekend and God Bless!


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  1. Love the quote from Billy Graham at the top. What a great reminder.

  2. Yes, we all need prayer these days.

  3. Thank you for entering my request here, friend. I love you and thank God for you, and for this ministry you have through blogging. ;-)


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.