Capturing The Moments

Yes, I spend my days doing this? Capturing the Moments of the Cherubs, my Tigers.

Chasing these two, taking pictures of these two in a.c.t.i.o.n above which is all the time! I love it. It is so worth my day to come home or be right here at home and get pictures like these.

Mountain Man and I feel like we have heaven running around our back yard with Tonka trucks. Right! I seriously mean that.

Honestly, I am pretty simple, "Faith, Family and Friends." This weekend Mountain Man surprised me and took me to "Confessions of a Shopaholic" which was hilarious (and yes, I get so weary of Hollywood and their token sexual relations i.n. e.v.e.r.y film. Can they get original!)

(This film had very little of that and it was not even appropriate - not that it ever is in the pre-marital area or extra-marital. Mountain Man and I have a pretty high standard of calling this stuff junk and not watching. Which is why you don't find me reviewing tv shows here - because we don't support it. And we have chosen other ways to relax or things to view in the little time we have for it.)

Off my soap box because this post really isn't about watching only G and may a PG (I'm talking for the adults here! Children we're G and Christian media.) Although, what we watch and filtering what goes into our minds and our children's is very important to us.

Nonetheless, one of the quotes in the movie struck a cord with me: The father John Goodman says to daughter, Isla Fisher, "The only thing in this world that defines me is your mother and you." Was that sweet! Then I would definitely add, Jesus Christ. We have a strong sense of faith and family here.

What about you? What defines you?

p.s. Please pray for McKMama today and her McKMiracle.


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  1. I love spending time with my kidlets it is what life is about.

  2. Family is everything!!! I love quiet lazy Sunday afternoons!

    Have a great rest of your Monday!

  3. I have to go read to my 11 year old but wanted to say real quick that I absolutely love that first photo!

  4. What great pics, my fav is the first one-enjoying one another! I have a little man too and just love to capture those moments...thanks for your motherly are blessed!

  5. Cute pictures!! I'm the same as you faith, family, and friends!


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