She Homeschools!

She Homeschools!

The 2008-2009 school year has been a major milestone in the life of our family. It was just this year that we began walking a journey that we began step-by-step years ago.

For some time I have considered when to share with my readers a little more of what is going on with our family. Now seems like a great time because we have a fun Giveaway going on that I will share shortly.

Already this has been an exciting Homeschooling semester. And we are ready to whisper it from the rooftops - She Homeschools! Truly more accurately "We" Homeschool because I must say Mountain Man is playing an outstanding role as our Principal, Coach, and awesome Science Guy.

Homeschooling our twin, second grade sons has been an awesome blessing to our entire family. It's nice we all wanted to embark upon this journey, six months into it and I can tell you so far we have all l.o.v.e.d it. We have been incredibly blessed in following the road the Lord has led us to walk. It has been such a joy to be with our children and teaching them day-to-day.

Eventually we will definitely be sharing resources, ideas, and more specifics in the days ahead.

For now, guess what, I have a great opportunity to attend a Whole Hearted Conference. The Clarksons have written many books regarding, family, homeschooling, etc. Here's a bit from their website about them:

Since its birth in 1994, Whole Heart Ministries has been dedicated to helping Christian parents raise wholehearted children who will live for Christ. The Clarksons have served in full-time ministry for over 25 years, both as single adults and as a married couple, in overseas missions, discipleship ministries, and in church ministry. Whole Heart Ministries brings to full expression the convictions and messages they have cultivated and taught since the late 1980s.

This is for families, not just homeschoolers. The Clarksons have agreed to participate in "Win It Wednesday" with a Giveaway of their book Educating the Whole Hearted Child.

This book is phenomenal. I cannot tell you enough about it. There are so many pracitcal ideas that they share that you can incorporate right into your family life. "Educating the Whole Hearted Child" was instrumental in our understanding home education.

Best of luck to one fine winner.

To Win:
1) Go check out their website: Whole Heart and tell me one thing that strikes you about it.
2) Leave a comment here and you're in; and
3) If you want an extra entry, feel free to spread the word about this awesome ministry by linking on your own site.
BONUS: Tell me if you Homeschool or not - either answer qualifies. :)

Good Luck!

That's it for what "Works For Me Wednesday!" find and share other tips @ WFMW.


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  1. I'm so glad that homeschooling has been such a wonderful experience for you! What a blessing to be called to teach your boys at home. I know you're doing a great job of it. :-)

    The book and ministry sounds amazing. If I don't win it - I'll definitely look for it around here.

    Blessings to you, my friend... Jen

  2. I'm so glad you are sharing this with us. I'm sure that this decision is the best one for your family and is a true blessing. PS ~ pls don't include me for the drawing... I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this post! Have a great night!!!

  3. I went and checked out their website to read more about the book. One thing that struck me about it as exciting is that it talks about using real books (not textbooks) in homeschooling.

    Oh, and that bonus question? We're doing our first year of homeschooling too! :)

  4. I am currently thinking of wandering down that road! Thanks for the confession-- that part scares me too.

  5. I just started homeschooling my oldest. And I am really enjoying it.

    I loved the book selections they recommended.

    I really enjoy your site...blessings!

  6. I would to have the Educating a wholehearted child book. I am right now praying about homeschooling. My daughter will be going into kindergarten next school year. I am just not sure what is best for our family right now and I am seeking all the guidance I can get. Sounds like a great book to have.

  7. We are planning on Home schooling (eldest is 3... little young to start now... officially).

    I like how they want to encourage fathers. Is it just me or do there seem to be a lack of real men out there?

  8. I am so glad you love homeschooling! We do too! Their site looks cool, they have blogs I will check out.

  9. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your homeschooling journey. We have been seriously looking into homeschooling and have been gathering information, little by little.

    I would love to read this book, but I think I'm also going to order their family devotional.

    Take care!

  10. Looks like a great site. I WAS homeschooled way back when it first became legal in NC. My parents had to jump through a lot of hoops for the big wigs in Raleigh. (they actually did an in home visit then too) If you go to the NCHE conference you will probably run into them. My dad is on the board for the conference, and mom usually helps out around the book fair part some where. Good luck!

  11. E-mail me if you would like more info on them, questions answered, or conference info.

  12. Don't enter me b/c I have the book. It has been a great resource. This is my 15th year of hsing.

  13. i homeschool and we also love it most days anyway!!!

    i like the real book thing too...we do that alot which is great because we choose the books that suit our boys interests and go from there.

  14. I've considered homeschooling too... but I'm more than a little overwhelmed by the whole concept. My son is signed up to go to public kindergarten next year, mainly because I'm too scared that I'll mess it up somehow if I try to teach him myself. :-/ It's just so much to take in and decide... I admire you for doing it!

  15. I have been home schooling now for 19 years and I still love reading anything I can about home education. I like Sally's website because there is something there for everyone in the family. My youngest is 7 so I have many more years to go. I found out today that I am going to be a grandma. Praise the Lord for He is good.

  16. I love the Clarksons' ministry, and their encouragement to parent from the heart. I would love to have this new book of hers.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.