Introducing Danielle's Designs

Greetings this Monday Morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Last week's Giveaway was by Danielle of Danielle's Designs and I wanted to post her response to some questions I asked her.

Carolina Girls interviews are starting this week. So let me know if you'd like to be on the list.

Where are you from (can be as general as you wish)?
I'm from Big Lake, a small town in Minnesota, United States. But I'm no small town girl, my family is big on traveling, and I've been all over the country and also 'across the pond' lol. Second to creating things, traveling would have to be my favorite thing.

How did you get into your business?
My sister and I used to play with polymer clay when we were little, and I recently re-discovered it. I had probably around 100 pieces of jewelry made when I found etsy. I was so happy that I found somewhere where I could sell my creations.
About a month ago I saw a decoupaged bangle on etsy and I really loved it. And when I decide I want to do something, I go full out. I've been listing about one bangle every day in my etsy store since then. I use recycled paper from old magazines mostly. I love making the bangles because they're eco-friendly and gorgeous!

How long have you been in business??
I started my etsy account in august of 2007, but I didn't start selling until May of 2008.

What was the biggest challenge?
I'd have to say just getting established here on etsy, especially getting that first sale!

What is the biggest reward?
For me the biggest reward is when someone loves my work as much as I love creating it. And I love the etsy community. Being able to have a personal connection with the maker of an item is such a cool experience and it makes everything you buy a conversation piece. I also buy a lot from etsy, and I love knowing that I'm supporting an individual artist, and not sweat-shop run corporations.

How did you learn your craft?
In the beginning of learning polymer clay, I checked out a lot of different books from the public library and bought a couple too. For the decoupaging, I learned from a YouTube video! Go figure! YouTube has everything, it still amazes me.

What is your favorite Ben N Jerry's Flavor?
Well, I don't really like Ben N Jerry's particularly. But my favorite flavor of ice cream is Kemps cotton candy. My aunt owns an ice cream/craft shop up north by our cabin and that's the only place I've ever been able to find it. During the weeks up at the cabin in the summer we take a daily trip over there to get cones.

What is your favorite song/iTune right now?
Hmmm, that's a tie there.
I am in love with the song 'Change' by Group 1 Crew. When I first heard it, I thought, this would be a perfect song for Obama's campaign, if political campaigns had theme songs.
I am also in love with the band The Morning Of. I found their cd 'The World As We Know It' on ebay by chance. I was going to buy a different cd, and since additional items had free shipping, I checked out the sellers other items. I thought the album cover art looked really cool, so I bought it. Turned out I love it!!
I really love finding obscure bands like Group 1 Crew and The Morning Of that aren't really mainstream. They are both so quirky and just awesome! Just search in youtube to check them out!

Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? ;)
Well, I don't drink coffee, but I love Starbuck's Orange Mango Banana Vivanno smoothie, so Starbucks!!!

Finally, what advice would you give someone wanting to start a business?
Especially for craft/art businesses, make sure you charge what your item is worth in both materials and how much time you spend. Don't sell yourself short, if your prices are too low, your quality will be seen as low, even if it's not. Personally, when I'm buying on Etsy, if I want something, I want to support that artist, and I'm willing to pay whatever they think it's worth.

Also, get a twitter account! It helps a lot to get views for your product/traffic for your website. Plus it helps you connect with buyers/clients. Here's me on Twitter.
I love new friends! :) Oh and here's my etsy store: Danielles Designs

A hearty Thank You to Danielle for the fun Giveaway last week. Thanks for reading and if you're a Carolina Girl, please email me and let me know you want to be interviewed for Carolina Girls.


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  1. Ok - so your tweet, but having a blond moment. I am looking on your sidebar and can't see where you are blogging, only your links. :)

  2. Clue: "I am a Praise Baby Blogger." Should take you to the link. Mine runs the week of February 2nd.

  3. Wow! Big Lake. I'm a long way from home and yet, there it is. I'm from the Twin Cities and am currently in So. Georgia. Nice designs, I love her rose earrings.

  4. I recieved my awesome earrings today in the mail!! Just in time for the interview!! Although I can't imagine not drinking coffee, ack!!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.