Thankful Hearts Among Tough Situations

My thankful heart is heavy for the many tough situations around us.

In our blogging lives, I find it encouraging, fascinating and fun to have all of the camaraderie and fellowship. I love the escape in a sense of the world around us. After all, we've all created our blogging worlds quite nicely. I count on it. You friends are the 'stuff life is made of' and I wonder how blogging didn't exist long before now.

I'm thankful for blogging and voices it represents. My own voice, your voices my friends and a glimpse into your lives, and idea. I love the friends of blogging. An encouraging word. The praises and prayers we share.

My mind is wrapping around thankfulness. Thankfulness while it is full of situations that one would wonder how to find thankfulness. I struggle to understand the friends and friends-of-friends close by who have had diagnosis of cancer. The young mother who wasn't feeling right and two days later she was gone leaving behind her 3 and 5 year old daughters.

Or our former church elder's Thanksgiving evening - their fourteen year old daughter fell when the branch on the tree she climbed snapped - she died. Another dear sister in Christ who is facing her first Christmas and Holiday Season without her sweet daughter who died Christmas Eve last year.

As a Believer in the God of love, I know His promises are true. I also know He is in control and will work all of this to His good and glory. My eyes can't see but my heart can have faith. Right now, as I hear each thing and pray earnestly as I shelter "The Tigers" from the news, I chose to trust Him with the details, the uncertainty and the wanting to have things go my way.

My way - in the sense of not wanting any pain or grief or sorrow. My way - wanting all joy and happiness and success. All prosperity. And yet I am struck by the fact that prosperity defined not only as material gain but by physical flourishing and to grow strong and healthy.

As I recall one of our favorite family verses - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 - it occurs to me that God grows us to His prosperity in many ways. May we be joyful in "flourishing and growing strong and healthy (in Him!)"

Then I chose to be content in His plan and hope in Him.


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  1. It sounds like there is a lot on your heart right now during this season. I too wonder at the 'why's' of things that happen, and must continue to lay them before the Lord. I guess that is what Trust is made of. We trust God and what we know of Him through His charachter and word, even though we may never know why. Praying for you and the families you mentioned,

  2. Your words are a blessing today. I woke up thinking about my girls this morning, grieving, but thankful for the life inside of me now. Thankful for the little girl I will get to meet in a few short months.
    The families you mentioned are fortunate to have you in their lives--you are a blessing to them and to me!

  3. This echoes my own heart, as I struggle to say goodbye to my friend and watch my husband grieve for his father this holiday season. Thank you for writing this, CM.

  4. This is so beautifully said and written, and so true. It has been such a blessing and encouragement to connect with friends around the world who sharpen each other to be our best in our spiritual walks and daily lives. I just said a prayer for each of these families you mentioned, and asked God to be so evidently present as He carries them through the next months(s).

    I'm so thankful to have come across your blog and to count you as a friend!


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