Our Traditional, Old-Fashioned, Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Here's a glimpse of our traditional and old-fashioned Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. My girlfriend and I were just talking about how we 'have to have' our trees 'that we grew up with!" And Mountain Man would interject and freshly Cut Tree! Yes, we are Christmas Tree Farm people. This is tradition on both sides of our family. My Daddy used to cut our trees (some years) and Mountain Man and his family growing up would go out our their property, Colorado mountain and chose their favorite!

The ornaments are a variety from our growing up, to the Tigers preschool on up to the Sleighs they just decorated this year. I love to reminisce and look at these. So no we don't have a one theme, one color, bow-ribbon tree. If you do, I know it's pretty and please share. Its just that we would be breaking 'family law.'

We love the fresh smell of our home with the Christmas tree - "Who's turn to water the Christmas tree today?!" (glad I recalled that little detail.)

The small trees in the bedrooms are the superficial varieties. Anyway, here's a peek at ours until Monday the 15th when we do the BooMama Christmas Tour.

For fun, we added our little Nativity Scene from the mantle because the Baby Jesus is what really matters.

Luke 2:12 "This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Until Monday, visit "We Are THAT Family" for the Friday Christmas Tree roll. :) They're all so pretty. And while you're looking here, not poking fun at my wrapping skills. I did add Mardi Gras beads to 'the big green box!' and she looks lovely and more important, the Tigers have no idea what's in there. (the main goal of wrapping @ Carolina Mama!)

Okay, see ya soon. Thanks for the stop over. And let me know if you're showing me your tree. :)


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  1. I love it! It's beautiful and there is something very special about a fresh cut tree!

  2. Are those old fashion large bulbs? I love it! Very pretty!

  3. Your tree is beautiful. I love your nativity. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.


  4. Thanks for sharing your tree! And I'll look for you during Boo Mama's tour.

  5. I think it's beautiful. It's been years since we had a fresh tree.

  6. I LOVE your tree! It reminds me SOOOO much of my childhood. Fabulous job on the decorations!!

  7. I love your tree....those bulbs bring back such memories and I almost got them this year!!

    I think our walls are painted almost the exact same colors.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi there!
    I love, love, love your tree!
    It is so pretty and filled with fun and love! That is the best thing by far!
    Can't wait to see this Boo Mama tour~ sounds neat!
    Merry December hun~ Les

  10. We love our wild tree - thinned from a forest grove. I love that I live in a region where you can still go out into the bush and bring home a tree!


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