Dear Friends Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas!

Here are some of the fun lights I mentioned from this past weekend when we went on a Christmas lights drive.

And then here

is where the Tigers and ninety-seven of their school 'friends' and I will be tomorrow. :) We're all really excited about the Nutcracker. And mama is really tired after trying to coordinate right in the middle of my week of being not so busy. It is okay because I am enjoying helping and gathering together everyone for the fun.

Then after that it is relax, hunker down and celebrate the Christ Child. So I wanted to give a little early shout out to all of you in my blogging life and real life. :) Thank you for all of the fun, encouraging and uplifting enlightening times here this year. You have all warmed my heart and been a real delight and blessing. Merry Christmas and I will see you when I surprise you and me and pop back in.

If not, I plan to enjoy my family and celebrate this Christmas without any worry, without any more stores or shops and things. I think of each of you so if I have not gotten around to you or your Twitter, here's to you and to our next year together.

I'll post tomorrow or Wednesday my Christmas video. See ya soon. And if you have a moment let me know where you will spend Christmas!


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  1. Dear friend~ You have been such a blessing to me this year. I thank the Lord for you, and pray that you and your family have a wonderful time together.

    I'll be catching up on your other posts soon. :-) Love you... Jen

  2. Merry Christmas Carolina Mama!! Enjoy the Nutcracker and enjoy your Christmas with your family! :)

  3. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your sweet family, celebrating Jesus together.

  4. Great lights! I have enjoyed meeting you, a fellow carolina blogger. You have a very uplifting site. I hope y'all have a great time at the Nutcracker!

  5. Have a very merry christmas to you and your family from ours.

  6. Merry Christmas to you!

    May this be a blessed Christmas for you . I have really enjoyed getting to know through your blog this year and look forward to all those posts in the New Year!

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas Friend! Enjoy this special time with your family!!!!

  8. oooh I am gald you stopped by... I am really likin' your blog! Very cute! Have a Blessed Christmas~! I'll be back soon to visit your blog again!


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