Election Day 2008: Prayers for Billy Graham and His 90th Birthday

“My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ.” Billy Graham

On this eve of Election, please join us in another prayer. Evangelist Billy Graham is in frail health according to the local newspapers. His 90th Birthday is Friday! You can go Wish Billy Graham a Happy 90th Birthday here! It will be a part of a special celebration right at his home in the North Carolina mountains.

Growing up, I was blessed with a family heritage that included Billy Graham in many aspects. One of my favorite is hearing his Crusades many times on the television and then in person. And then a meeting in person.

Tell me about your personal experience with Billy Graham? Have you heard him in person?

And for another godly perspective this "Election Day 2008!" Please visit:

True, I didn't say popular or cool or hip - more like counter-cultural. I like the way he thinks. If you do too, visit John Piper @ Desiring God. Any thoughts?

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  1. I posted the John Piper video on my blog today, too. What a great summary of how we believers are to react today. Now that we've voted, we are to rest in the Soverignty of God and continue to pray for our nation and its leaders.

    Thanks also about the info on Billy Graham. My grandparents gave to his ministry all of their 68 years of married life (they married YOUNG!!!) :-) He came to Nashville years ago and I was a part of the prayer team for the women's event connected to the crusade, and I sang in the crusade choir - it was a blessing to have a small part of what God was doing through Billy Graham.

    Blessings on you today... Jennifer

    PS: sorry about the LONG post ;-)


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