Bible Resources and "Win It Wednesday!"

My friend, Jennifer, at Smelling Coffee asked us yesterday as a Believer, what is your challenge with Quiet Time. I participated. Mine is clearly, like most of the group, I struggle with "the first thing in the morning mentality" and when you're exhausted, early in the am can be a challenge.

It was an encouraging reminder that meeting with the Lord is our goal and He blesses that. I want to share one thing that works for me and that I learned recently from our Women's Ministry leader whom I admire. Currently, I am in a Bible study, today, go ind now and finishing us this week's study right now too! ;) The study is "The Life of Joseph: God Meant It For Good." (For the record, it is an awesome study.)

At any rate, my friend recommended I use my online Bible as I am doing my Bible study. Furthermore, she recommended (she's a mother of five children - four boys, one girl. can we say veteran!) So I took her advice and implemented my study using and old favorite, BibleGateway and a new one Mountain Man's people in Colorado and Texas introduced us to, Bible.CC.

Bible.CC is an awesome resource. Check it out, they have everything Bible imaginable related on this site and it's easy to navigate.

For the record, I love my physical, Bible. There is nothing like holding my own Bible and physically looking up a scripture. Hearing the pages russell. And reading the word in print. However, I do love this new means of study because I can do a little commentary research very easily and it is super simple so I do not get bogged down.

And when time is an issue, this is major. I love it too that on my macbook, I just click speech and we can hear it read to us. I can answer questions in my study, hear the Word and read the Word all at once. The Tigers love hearing it whether I read it off of the screen or click speech. So that's golden. This my friends, "Works For Me Wednesday!" and most days. Check out WFMW for more awesome ideas. :)

How about you? Is this to nuevo? Have you tried it? Will you? I will admit it took me a little getting used to and it does not replace my good old-fashioned Bible reading, it does help me with my longer Bible studies. What do you think? Either way, enjoy these awesome Bible resource sites.

***Enter the Win It Wednesday Giveaway! Tanea @ She's Got Papers has gorgeous Ladies papers. She is offering up a favorite. Check out her site and list your favorite in comments here and you're in! They are SOOO cute. One creative girl. And one lucky girl will win. Good Luck!

p.s. Last week's Win It Wednesday is still open until this afternoon... when I am back to draw a Winner!


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  1. I love my real Bible too. When in a pinch....I use the computer and's loaded with goodies.

    Great usual.

  2. How fun! I love the "Be the Giver" notecards. Gorgeous always have such great giveaways!

  3. I have not heard of this...great resource!
    -sandy toes

  4. We have the Bible on CD that I listen to when I just don't find the time to read - this year has been pretty haphazard for me, it's my goal to make next year better so I'm starting to work on it now!

  5. Hey friend! I totally agree with you about loving the printed Word (and hearing the pages russle), but also making good use of BibleGateway and other computer programs. I bet there is not a day that goes by that I don't look something up on BibleGateway! I don't know the other one you mentioned, but will definitely check it out! Thanks for sharing that!

    And, about the giveaway, those writing papers were darling! I especially liked the "Walk Tall" note cards. :-)

    Have a blessed day, my friend...

  6. I love the notecards, they're so creative! The Babe is my favorite.
    I like online bible communities. It's a new world of interaction, especially when my church is 20 mins away so a bible study is hard to do.

  7. Those baby girl ones are VERY cute! Thank you for sharing that Bible resource, I am excited to try it out!


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