Raisin' McCain - We're All Just Raisin' McCain! And Palin ;)

"We're all just raisin' McCain!" And Palin Power! And is there any way we can just add Rudy Giuliano on the ticket also! A man who can speak up.

Bringing The Presidential Campaign to the blogosphere! Ya'll, I just couldn't help myself. I come from a long line of politicians. So you can say it's in my blood.

There are so many levels of the McCain / Palin ticket that are right!

Keeping it fun @ Carolina Mama! If you want more good stuff check out the McCain Blogette!

God Bless America!



  1. HI Carolina Mama!!! I am just checking in with you...now I need to check out this McCain thing you are sending me to!! I love your enthusiasm ;)cszvg

  2. I'm right there with you! Sitting here watching FOX news and praising the Lord for bringing some Life into the McCain nomination!

  3. God Bless America:)


  4. Yep, when they announced Palin, I thought, now we have a chance. What a smart move!


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