New Bikes and I Wasn't Raised Building Legos

No I wasn't raised building Legos. Honestly, being one of five children - four girls and one boy, I spent a whole lot more time outside in my life-sized Doll House, on the second floor baking in my Easy Bake Oven. Or climbing in the tree house than I ever did building with Legos.

And we spent countless hours biking up the hill and around our country neighborhood! Anyone else want to shout out for "the good ole' days when children played outdoors and safely.!"

So I loved my dolls, playing piano, dress-up and my easy bake oven or cooking with my Mom. I do recall my brother 'raisin' pigs' in his "pin pen" at the corner of our two acres. Or his big football days.

But when one of the Tigers was under the weather Sunday and we were home together - it was a challenge to build and re-build Legos. And don't get me started on the fingernails I chipped. However, we were successful and that. is. all. that. matters!

Nonetheless, thankfully I clocked plenty of hours on 'the hill' and biking around so that love is there and good thing - the Tigers have grown into the 20 inch Bicycles! Yikesssssssss! So we're all spending lots of time and miles on the trails! Fall is an awesome time for this.

So enjoy the Cherubs above 'test driving' their new wheels! As I sign off, "Ode to Childhood!"



  1. New bikes are awesome! I can't believe how big they are getting.

  2. They look so grown up! You're doing a great job as a "boy mom"! I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do with a boy either, but it wasn't legos I was worried about, it was having to push Tonka trucks around on the floor. But once I did it with our son, it turned out to be a lot of fun!

    So glad that God gives us exactly what we need, and equipps us to handle it! ;-)

    Have a good Wednesday...

  3. As the mom of three boys, I hear your uncertainty. We are a huge lego family, getting ready to head to Legoland soon for our third trip. The boys are adorable on their big bikes!

  4. Cool bikes! My son loves legos and is always wanting to show me what he's designed. I have no clue, really. I didn't have legos growing up, either.


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