Getty Music Giveaway Goodness

Ya'll remember when we attended the Getty Music concert recently and totally fell in love with Keith and Kristyn Getty's Music? Well, now we're spreading the love!

So in other words, the "Win It Wednesday" Giveaway is back! :) And in good fashion. Just for Boo Mama we're giving away a subscription to Southern Living. Just kidding! (Sophie, :) I will check out the 'new' look and will mostly likely agree because how can a Southern Girl 'change' - change tradition? Who are they talking to here!) Okay, I know do not email me and let me know that Boo Mama doesn't read here. It is okay and afterall it's okay to dream. She would totally understand that I'm read by "Tens of people every day!" ;)

Getty Music has given us a bit of "Bloggy Giveaway" Goodness through their awesome music!! I am so excited to share! They are offering one of their lovely, worship Getty Music CDs AND Getty Songbook. ;) (please note in the comments if you or your church can use the Songbook so it can get good use! :)

To Enter the Giveaway:

1) Go to Getty Music
2) Then Mention Getty Music/this Giveaway on your blog so you too can help spread the word about their awesome music :)
3) And then Comment here and expect great things! And Be Blessed!
* Oh, and it's a bonus to leave them an uplifting comment or email letting them know of your newfound musical knowledge.

Best to you! And you could even enjoy live by checking out their website for their concert appearances in your area. I'm just letting you know.

And because it is "Win It Wednesday" I'll leave this open until noon on Wednesday.



  1. Of course Boo Mama reads your blog. She totally reads my blog, too. It's a little know law that all blogging Mamas (or Mommas) must read other Mama (or Momma) blogs. So Boo Mama, Big Mama, even Antique Mommy... they all lurk here. They lurk at my blog, too. Absolutely.

  2. I don't know how I missed this on Wednesday! I thought I was caught up on all my favorite blogs! Oh well...
    And, btw, My husband brought home one of their cds with the song you shared earlier, and I LOVE IT!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.