Swimming, Apple and iPhone 3G

You see we're real creative here in the Carolinas. Swim, swim and then swim. It is summer ya know. So it's all good. We made it through the two weeks of swim lessons. More than make it through - the Tigers did really well. And I remembered why we signed up for more to begin with this summer.

We have had perfect 'excuses' to hang out at the pool for the better part of the morning until something more pressing appeared on the schedule - lunch and a trip to the Apple Store.

Yesterday, I was in the Apple Store and the Apple Guru, a young whipper snapper, smiled and looked at me saying, "You got the red case, the Monkey case" referring to my Red Monkey iTouch case.

Though I was very pleased and proud of my purchase which considered the Cherubs, not my love of pink and daisys. I was happy to admit my love of my little Red Monkey Incase for my iTouch. I detected a jaded salesperson Apple Guru poking fun.

So I simply said, "yes, my little monkeys at home love it."

To which Apple Guru says, "Did you see that segment about the people raising monkeys at home."

(you see where I'm going here... any mama sees where I'm going here.)

So I jovially say, "We raise monkeys at home. In fact, we breed them!" As the young guru laughs, I say "In twos!"

'Tis true!

Speaking of, just so ya know, tomorrow is THE DAY that Apple releases the very lovely iPhone 3G "Twice as fast, half the price." Wonder what the Monkeys will of think it! Go check it out here. iPhone3G.

1 comment:

  1. I want an iPhone! Can you just see how many blogs I would visit if I had an iPhone!



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