Chick-fil-A Homemade Lemonade Recipe

We are at Chick-fil-A Headquarters in Atlanta on an amazing Mom Blogging Event. It has been an incredible time to learn all about the core values of Chick-fil-A. We got to meet most of the Cathy family, I think!

Dan Cathy, James Cathy, Trudy and Bubba Cathy! All an incredible family

While at Headquarters, we got introduced to the Homemade Lemonade! And there was a Contest and we won!! Yes, my new friend and I won the hand-squeezed Lemons Contest! :) Then we made homemade Lemonade! :)

Here's the Chick-fil-A Handmade Lemonade Recipe

8 hand squeezed Lemons
1 C. Sugar
43 ounces of Water

Squeeze Lemons - yields about 1 1.4 cups of Lemon Juice; Stir in 1 c. of Sugar and pour into the 43 ounces of cold water. Stir well.

Pour over ice. Enjoy!

Thank you Chick-fil-A!

Chick-fil-A gave us a Ruler with the quote: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Love it. We have loved learning what built this company.


1 comment:

  1. One of my all time favorites homemade lemonade. Thanks so much for sharing. Great recipie.



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