Make 2012 A Year of Service

Happy New Year Y'all!

This year, I even got fancy with "Holiday Hair!" ;) (see Pink in photo !) Yes, conservative me, and yes, that Pink rinses right out of my hair. ;) It was fun and I see a post coming because um, lots of Mom friends are curious about it.

Nonetheless, New Year's was a blessed time to make our first place to patronize in 2012 be our Church. What a blessing and a privilege. One I do not want to take for granted, ever. Ironically, the favorites were visited today, Church, Starbucks, Target and some great time spent at home with family!

Nice start to the year!

I wanted to share a quick thought from our church service that will set the tone for us and hopefully for you, too. We were challenged in Philippians 3:4-14 to "Fix our gaze on Christ, our eternal reward."

Then I share: "May we make 2012 our best year of Service."

Isn't that awesome! Not a year of me, myself and mine. Yet, a year for others and a year of serving Christ our King. I love this and I need to hear it. He pointed out that "The future is not determined by the past. The future is determined by the present." LOVE this! And hey, you can join us and let's all make it a great future by impacting our world by service to others for our Lord.

So I am thinking and praying about "Making 2012 my Best Year of Service!"

What are you thoughts?!

Warmly, Carolina Mama


  1. Love it!! You know I'm in. More of Him and less of me, right??? <3

  2. Love the hair... You are brave ;).

    I really like that tone about 2012. I am so excited about this year!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.